Yea, Ms. Swift sings about the guy she broke up with and every guy she almost dated....
Yea, Ms. Swift sings about the guy she broke up with and every guy she almost dated....
You think there were coming from Bey+Jay? idk, where ever they came from sounds like sealed it with the kiss of death. Marriage renewals, face/name tattoos, promise rings...they're all good intended but seem like death traps to relationships.....
I read it that way too and was more confused after reading the article! Not only did they let this man speak, BUT they PAID HIM! 0_O
For some reason i'm betting gender who reign supreme. If it were a girl born before a boy, i feel like they would still make the younger child ruler...because you know gender bias...its still kinda a thing.
idk for someone reason i wouldnt be bothered by a pathobiologist, microbiologist, pathologist or anyone along those professions own that cutting board. random person joining in on the #trend that people joking/talking about while people are actually dying? Hell To the NAW!
See and that i dont like. I'm a book person and dont want someone deterring me from reading a potentially good book because the critique is miserable. i dont read critiques much anymore
yes, why is masculinity always in jeopardy from doing...idk normal things?!
i second and third this!
I just got the feeling that this man decides that he doesn't like something and finds "reasons" for his opinion, rational be damned. I wouldn't trust his critique of a cheese burger.
Am i the only person who isnt into working out? Everyone around is like "oh let's hang out at the gym" and im like "the one with the smoothie bar, right?"
This is so crazy. the dad from 7th heaven was also cited as being a sexual predator. i hope these women are making accurate claims because making false accusations only makes its harder for actual victims.
A co-worker and i were just talking about this. about how this somehow be tied into race. needless to say, just as predicted its being painted as a "brown people problem." Race: the most destructive and decisive imaginary belief.
well this topic is a very personal decision and evokes strong feelings. i think the issue is that something being forced on you because of your gender. you get married and you're the only one who looses a portion of your identity. ideally there should be an exchange of names or both parties become hyphenated. I…
I never thought she was good actress, that being said i think its difficult to portray actualy historic figures. The only thing she has going for her is that they're both brunettes. #kanyeshrug
I personally don't get why its such a big deal. Early in more severe days as a feminist i was all "heck no i wont change my last name" but now i'm like "whatever sounds better" because my last name is my father's anyway.
This is sad. She seemed like an otherwise nice girl until the tweets [which were apart of a disorder nonetheless]. She someone you want to see doing well.
I hate them too but i feel like they're inevitable, you know? a change material is all you need