
YEA?! where was the stuff people actually wanted to know!

The suit was ugly but why is this news? ISIS is murking people left and right while police officers kill innocent civilians....But we're worried about a beige or tan colored tie? #I'mDone

NOPE! I hope he doesn't take it down. His parents should be embarrassed and disgusted with themselves. You don't always have to agree with your children but you do have to offer them support and understanding.

damn that sucks. Britney is one of those celebrities you pretty much want to see doing well.

His Hair is Gorgeous!

well that's kind of ironic now isn't it? if anything she was trying to make their escape more inclusive and they hate her for it?

I don't want to marginalize a whole group. but it seem today people as a whole have no concept of reality. You're sending death threats because someone said something about a source of entertainment? if that's the most stressful or disheartening thing that happens in their daily lives then they need a life.

I dont know where that sense of entitlement comes from. someone [or persons] don't want you and then it becomes okay to harass women?

He murdered your mother? I'm so sorry to hear that. I've lost a parent and its a horrible experience.

i dont think they need to change the institution of marriage [unless its to include more people who want to get married ] because you dont have to do it. If you dont want to work things out or bother being inconvenienced because there was no happily ever after [which is such a hard goal to adhere to because the fairy

i'm guessing once shows like "Flava of Love" took shape. that became more of the proto type for programming with black characters.

i hate to say that but it seems like these views kinda seep into the younger generation nowadays as well. ignorance is such a pervasive disease.

I'm glad that she tweeted the threat. It brings more attention to her cause. However, its sad that she's receiving threats like this. Her comments weren't offensive, just informed. Hopefully the authorities do their job wit this situation.

How do these people argue pro-life? They're endangering existing lives by removing safe health care options for a potential life. Just because a woman is pregnant doesn't mean the baby is guarantee to full term.

You know what could relieve that "stress"? cutting down on the hours all together. The police in my suburban town fill their days writing tickets. #wastesOfSpace

Officers are trained how to subdue people. Shooting someone with their hands raise and unarmed is not excusable.

I'm going to give those people the benefit of the doubt and suggest that those white people are ignorant [no shade, but thats what it means to be uniformed]. What the media as NOT done is tell the ENTIRE story. Michael Brown, rest his soul, was only a symptom of a major issue within the US. He was surely not the first

They're not "colorblind" they just been sippin the koolaid....

well the dress, certainly doesnt do anything for her. Wide shoulders, just like any feature, can be attractive. I think perhaps if she dipped her shoulder lower? as opposed to squeezed up?

There's something about this dress that i find unflattering. Could be the pose but it makes her shoulders disproportionately wide.