
Confession: I report trolls on sites, even if they're not directed at me. In my mind i'm like "EW" and then i click the report! *covers hands over mouth!*

As a fellow member of the Cakes For Days committee, I didnt always love my big butt either. However, its something that makes you stand out! Be proud!

I have to say now that i know she had more of a hand in creating this as opposed to slapping her name on it [like most celebrities] I'm interested in trying this product!

I was thinking the same thing. Or at least maybe they were more thoughtful in planning to get married? A type of investment like that hopefully required some thought?

I think that's partially the reason that they stared the show. Caring for one or two kids is expensive as is. I think John & Kate + 8 started off with similar intentions as well. Octomom was allegedly getting over $100k in government assistance.

They look adorable!

Yea i thought so. They looked moreso eawrly 1900's, maybe more late 1800's? [im no fashion expert] and then the presence of the well and the fact no one missed a dead child [although today's child services isnt that great nowadays] seemed very old. but its a horror movie, if i can believe a little demon girl haunts

Question, in the movie The Ring? What time period was Samara from? Her mom smothered her with a garbage bag before throwing her in the well...

Really? It expresses fears that parents might have about their children? Perhaps mines should be Cop Killer...

Ugh, such a smug tawt!

He already had like 3 kids with 3 other women by the time they met...She never bothered to ask why none of those relationships worked out? Or decide that the pull out method with Fertile Fred over here wasn't a good idea?

I'm not feeling this look on her. Head band with hoops looks cheesy. IMO

Even if that was the case, I'm guessing these outlets haven't heard of tact? Privacy? Respect?

REALLY?! #scumbag #DeleteYourTwitter #ThisIsWhatHappensWhenDirtBagsGetPlatforms

Because it would make too much sense!

I wish i could like this twice! Thrice!

I feel like that's just poor use of money, if you're not looking to pay of existing debt. But that is just me.

900%?! Then what? another payday loan to pay off the first? That's robbery.

Hmmm...I wonder how the legislation would equally protect rights of all parties involved. Should abortion be in the contract? Can a woman be legally obligated to an abortion performed? I think the babies should be granted citizenship but parents should have to register with the government prior to birth.