
the fact that Eph has terrible aim, as proven last week in his futile attempts to shoot Eichorst, does not deter him

Well hey, at least Little Shit Zach wasn’t in this one.

I still find time to put on my porn raccoon eyeliner whist fighting the vampire apocalypse. VIRGINIA SLIMS.

Well, the show is quite enjoyable if you:

Eph has proven he has no idea how to rifle, the collateral damage of this episode is just more evidence. He probably just thought it would magically shoot where the scope crosshairs are pointed, (which, even if they were, would have only caught Palmer in the shoulder, because Eph is the worst) and then his escape

I know it’s a typo but referring to Eph as “Eh” is so amusingly appropriate. You should keep that.

I only read the first book, and it was a rage read from fairly early in (I don’t like leaving books unfinished. Go check a one star amazon review with quotes from it, I think it’s the first one up), so I’ll say the show is ‘better’.

The only way any of this makes is if you assume that Eph is just constantly bombed out of his skull, so the Bad Decision Bears have become his spirit animals.

They are about the same. Each has its good points and both have its awful points. Like so far Quinlan in the book is a better written character but Eichorst is a better character on the show. Both are supposed to be horror stories but neither is scary.

Eph is a freakin’ doctor from NYC. What made him think that he would be any good with a rifle? If anything that role should have gone with Fett. At least he had a history of killing things. This show has so much bad, nonsense writing.

Last night I finally realized why this show has bugged me so. And it’s all the showrunner, Cuse’s fault. He’s running The Strain like his last show, LOST. On LOST there were so many storylines that were started, had no logic to them, left unfinished and dropped for the next storyline. Luckily for him, for the most

Your recaps are the reason I keep watching. Because they perfectly iron out the jumbled thoughts I have during this abomination of a show.

People are still watching this?