

"I'm on a show within a show! My real name is Tracy Morgan!"

1. I really like it when Rick is jealous that Morty is hanging out with someone else. It helps to accentuate his insecurities.
2. Similarly, I enjoyed the deconstruction of the "noble hero" archetype.
3. Based on the promos, I thought this episode would have the 'call to adventure' line as seen in the season three

I was so happy when Bill Hader appeared.


Yeah, it was also too gory for my sensibilities. Ewww.

1. This is the Rick And Morty equivalent to that underwater episode of Bojack Horseman. Both scenarios feature the title character almost completely out of their element, being forced to come up with creative solutions to get around. Obviously, Rick was relatively more competent, but I think the comparison still works.

I actually really want to see that movie. I want to see every SNL film, no matter how allegedly bad they are.

We actually watched a clip from one of the sketches in my Literary Studies course last semester and dissected how it relates to commentary on gender.

I'm not caught up to that point with the Arrowverse.

They're robots, Morty!


Yes, I'm seeing a comedy movie starring Amy Poehler and Will Ferrell, so I absolutely want to see horror movie trailers.

That's slightly disappointing, but not unexpected. Hey, maybe I'm psychic! I did read a recent issue of Futurama that was absolutely wonderful. It had an origin story for Zapp.

The subplot definitely wasn't as good.

Okay, I'm going to go to bed. Thank you to everyone for chatting with me. Have a good day/night/evening/afternoon/whatever time it is in your area!

Does anyone know of any Rick And Morty fanfiction that just sounds like the show?

That scene was hard to watch.

Sometimes I want to find and read Rick And Morty fanfiction on fanfiction.net, just so I can analyze it and see how close the writer captures the tone of the show. I don't write fanfiction very often, but if I'm not purposely writing an all-out parody (the Mystery Machine runs someone over), then I treat it like a

The fact that incredibly intelligent jokes and goofy animal puns can be jammed together into the same show keep me from abandoning it. That, and it really is great.