
I'm happy that Stephen Colbert ended up guest-starring.

I wish that we could see more of the opening scenes actually take place in the show.

Infinite universes, infinite voice acting opportunities. ^_^

It's one of those shows that I try to avoid watching again unless it's necessary because it's just so sad.

And Alex Hirsh. And Kristen Schaal.

"Leslie, I tried to make ramen in the coffee pot and I broke everything."

-checks- …I thought he sounded familiar!

The most recent season was so sad that I decided that I'm no longer going to have a rewatch in order to catch up on relevant moments. I'll just watch the recap video. I don't need more than the usual emotional trauma.

Lemon, come here - you've got to see this. It's a video of a baby panda sneezing. Sit here.

Guest stars that YOU want to see:
1. Paul F. Tompkins
2. Chris Gethard
3. Bill Hader
4. Tina Fey
5. Amy Poehler

I see that almost equally, if not more, cynical. It gets too depressing for my taste.

It's time to meet the Muppets…

If Rick And Morty is one of the most cynical animated shows, what's the most optimistic?

I think my favorite episode is the one with the Devil.

Oddly cheery neighbors.

All I want to see is a blah blah blah Steven Universe reference.

I wouldn't say that it's not broken. eOeaglnvegap ERROR 404

In your opinion, what episode of Rick And Morty is the least emotionally soul-crushing and cynical?

-high-fives, then falls asleep- I really need to fix my sleeping schedule.
