twelfth night

Not giving a sob story just saying the contents of the story were horrific.

Okay I know very little about feminism. But I doubt that feminists are defending porn like this. They may defend porn as a concept, or a woman’s right to act in porn if that’s what she wants to do for herself. That I can see. But idk if I imagine too many feminist would read this and think “yeah well...sex positivity

This might be true. It might even be true of me to a point. I’ve been commenting a lot on here but, I watch porn but I don’t like that hyper aggressive shit. But there is a little sexism there in me and sometimes I can see the signs of it. I’ve mostly dealt with it or buried it but it crops up every now and then.

I think I was lucky in that I only started watching porn as an adult. But before then, I had seen it accidentally or one or two times because a friend was watching it type of thing. What I saw I did not like though.

You have to think though why is this specific type of porn addictive to so many people?

Dude I’m a guy and I see what you’re saying. But I honestly think the ratio of asshole males to not is much higher then you think.

I’m here. I’m one of the horrified males. And I watch porn.

There is a lot of porn out there that is not..whatever the hell this genre of porn is called.

Yeah I watch porn and even I had to stop reading this halfway through.

No you didn’t explain. You stated an opinion but you didn’t give an argument, which you seem to favor, as to why that is the case. For example, saying that cooks should wash their hands is an opinion. Saying cooks should wash their hands because it demonstrates care for the health of their customers is an argument.

It’s a slap to the face to you because you are making it one. I mean how is that a slap to the face? What exactly is the problem you have with this? Do you feel Snoop is stealing potential viewers from your stream? Do you feel that because Snoop is payed to promote a game, that streamers, which are not paid to promote

This is how I feel about all pro-gamers tbh lol.

I really think so. Thinking back to all the statements I hear from Mangaka regarding adaptations of their work, they are usually supportive of it regardless of how much it changes. I can’t even think of any creator who was angry that people changed their work, though of course I could be missing something. The

Well, considering this post is about Valve stepping in with unconditional refunds, an almost unprecedented move (something which Sterling’s video fails to cover since it was put out before the refunds)..and kotaku’s fondness for publishing blog posts about sketchy steam games and kickstarters..and also that it is

You know why that is? Because of ignorance and racism. Pure and simple. The reason why we in America have a stereotypical asian look is because of ignorance and racism and that is the whole problem. I'm not saying YOU are ignorant or a racist so don't get all offended. But that's what it is, and if you subscribe to

I think it's just the sheer number of phones. Maybe I'm just a weird guy but I've been thinking about how I would smuggle phones into China for far too long.

I'm pretty sure most men don't want to be feminists. I'm pretty sure most men don't want to join this cool kids club. I for one, would rather not have to worry about women's issues. I'm a good person. I don't follow women down the street, or cat call, or even talk to women at all unless I have some reason to (same

Haha I'm done. I can't with you people anymore.

I think that was a typo.