Frankly, anyone who doesn’t like all three of those things is suspect
Frankly, anyone who doesn’t like all three of those things is suspect
Wow that CGI guy looks very lifelike.
Double Jeopardy!
I think the most important thing I’ve learned through this thing is that WAY the fuck more people deeply care about Jeopardy! than I thought.
Shoot as an adult I don’t even know how to answer “how was your day” sometimes.
Missed article title opportunity: “He’s not here, he’s not there, he’s not any-fucking-where. Is Roy Kent CGI?”
Sigh... Go to your room and think about journalism until you can write a headline without missing words.
Whomever picked Brett Goldstein for Roy Kent needs a raise.
He’s everyfuckingwhere!
Random street-level superheroes sneaking into the White House every night to convince the First Lady to stitch up their gunshot wounds.
Dante looks like a poor man’s Ricky Gervais
Either they photoshopped Rosario Dawson in, or the woman just doesn’t age
For me, the best drop of the whole movie was the Pixies Hey while they are fighting there in the Rain. Absolutely great use of that song, and good to hear Pixies on screen and it not be Where is My Mind
People keep asking me if Pig is John Wick with a pig, and I keep having to tell them no. I think I’m going to start saying “Yes, and it’s amazing,” and then chortling when they find out the truth.
Shut down the thread.
So that’s why he’s called Winnie the Pooh.
TikTok: The worst thing the Internet has produced since Twitter.
Because new ideas don’t get greenlit. Simple as that. We have a constant sea of remakes because that is what studios feel safe sinking their money into.
I can assure you every writer on this dreamt of doing something original instead of ‘a reboot of Doogie Howser’ - but, end of the day, they still have to pay the…
It’s federal law that all doctors under the age of 18 are to be nicknamed Doogie.
I can only stretch my suspension of disbelief so far. There is just no way that there are two child prodigy doctors named Doogie.