
Fortunately, Cutler is immune to criticism. Unlike his kids, who aren't immune to a goddamn thing.

"This idea, I like it. We will do this immediately."

Mark Emmert: "You pay them 10%?! What a ripoff!!"

Nope. That would actually be the most difficult and expensive thing to do. RFK land is controlled by the federal government and there are better ways to use that huge parcel than a 20,000 seat soccer stadium.

I hope they took him up on the offer, it's the only shot they'll have for the next couple of years.

No, they care about someone's *impending death.*

How awesome would it have been if he just kept running? Off the field, out of the stadium...into our hearts?

The first hit dislodged his insides. The second hit put his insides back in place so he is actually okay.

Photographer: Okay fellas, on the count of 3 give me your most natural soccer pose.

Looks like now they play for Derriere City!!!

Will Will's will will will Will Will into the end zone.

they did....30 years ago

That commercial is hilarious! I had been hoping someone would do that in an actual game at some point.

Reminds me of when I tried to recreate THAT scene from the Matrix.

You forgot plaid

"Just use your finger!"

Right, it's like when I visited Arlington cemetery and took several runny shits on random headstones. I mean, at least I had the respect to VISIT!