Mireille is sensational, like a She-Hulk

THANK you! One of the best and most quotable Disney character. And having Peter Ustinov play him was pure genius. Long live PJ!

Agree, big miss, as was Madame Medusa from The Rescuers.

I do not have enough words to express the depth of affection and nostalgia I have toward these books. They were my very favourite when I was very young, and I loved reading them to my own kids when they were very young. Just thinking about some of the stories (the lost button, the letter, the nightmare, alone, ugh) put

I’m part of a generation of Prydain fans who were so upset how badly they funbled that whole thing. It was perfect material for movies aimed at late-elementary aged kids, and would have caught the fantasy train at just the right time.

I did disown my grandmother for being a massive cunt and I don’t regret that decision. So there.

This show had no business being as absolutely fun as it has been.  Watching Johnny and Chozen go back and forth on their Daniel fights and man-praise was hilarious.

I was being silly! You’re quite right - both were December games.

Since Lloyd Alexander’s The Chronicles of Prydain are some of my favorite (and imo best) YA fantasy novels out there, and clearly inspired much of Star Wars amongst others — I hated that The Black Cauldron flopped, but also that they did a piss-poor adaptation of it...

Now playing

How is “Shoot em up” not on this list!

I’m usually sympathetic to stuff like this, but the barest bit of reading comprehension or context being applied ans the rationale for offence falls apart short of “I would desperately like to be angry about this.”

This is one of the most obnoxious, bloodthirsty, self-righteous articles I’ve read on here. This almost rivals the Ellie Kemper fiasco for ‘AV Club author desperately reaches to impugn artist’s character’ vibes.

Body issues can happen to anyone, even the thin and fit. Despite being one of “the beautiful people,” they can see themselves as not. I am guessing that is what the scene is trying to portray. And it is accurate for some with this disease, as many who are thin see themselves as “fat and disgusting,” leading to things

I have heard several Devil’s Advocate arguments that are causing me to reexamine (note: not fully reverse) my sympathies for Hellena Taylor.

Thank you. I always get a kick out of it when people question my claim to be myself. I’m not that special. If I was going to pretend to be someone from the Mass Effect franchise, I’d pick Martin Sheen. :)

She has a song with The Anxiety called “Meet Me at Our Spot” that I love. It sounds like a 90s throwback. I was shook when I realized it was Willow Smith. According to the Even The Rich podcast, Jada was working her way to a punk career and had to give it up. Love that Willow is showing some real talent.

Actually, “Eyes” is by far the <i>best</i> sketch of the episode. I checked.

I liked the googly eyes sketch. Sarah sold it like a champ. Would have been nice to have others come in, one at a time, with modifications such as a huge artificial smile-mouth or a giant ass.

I thought the bleeding double-Monty-Python-ripoff sketch was the night’s worst.

You really can’t figure out why the story of a wild child who doesn’t realize the sacrifice of their parent until it’s almost too late, and turns their life around to become a caring member of society is still popular?

The republican party made a damn movie about hunter.

no Osscar Issac or Ethan Hawke for Moonknight?

No Cena, Robert Patrick for Peacemaker?!

booo (tbf a lot of the nominees did earn it, too much good tv)