Mireille is sensational, like a She-Hulk

I pull out my switch whenever a new Picross game comes out, but not really for anything other than that... Indie games are way cheaper on PC and there haven’t been that many Nintendo exclusives that were up my alley. I was already in my 20s when Pokemon first came out so I’ve never played any of the Pokemon games. I

That’s not Alan Arkin?

Yeah, I loved the Chronicles of Prydain, it primed me to read Lord of the Rings and turn into the Sci Fi/Fantasy lover I am today, and I remember even as a kid being disappointed that they adapted the second book and thinking that was a bad sign. I guess it’s got more visually arresting scenes to animate than The Book

I saw it and I went in wanting to like it but, boy, I thought it was a stinker. The story was generic, the characters were bland, it wasn’t funny, it wasn’t particularly emotional, the strange world was so strange that any problems that arose or solutions they found just seemed like they were pulled out of the

Listenbourg, that famous place that was made up... (glances at calendar)... 9 days ago? Who hasn’t heard of that! Much famous!

I’m usually not a fan of the musical guests.  I’m old(er) and don’t really keep up with current music much so usually I’ll give them a minute or so and if they don’t hook me I’ll just skip the rest of the performances. And for Willow the only thing I was familiar with was the whip my hair song so I expected to not

Holy shit am I out of touch. Looking through every category, I’ve seen:

If they say it enough, will people actually start to give a shit about Hunter Biden? Even among the true believers, they only seem to bring him up as a “but-what-about” or distraction from a legitimate critique of republicans, never in isolation. Did he benefit from being the son of a senator/VP/POTUS? Most

Star Treks, the new Beavis and Butthead (and some of the old eps with music videos again!), Evil, the Good Fight... plenty of good shows. Plus I’ve been sucked into “The Offer.” If only they’d get The Colbert Report on there, I’d be completely satisfied.

It was never a secret the show leaned lib dem generally because republicans by nature are a lot easier to make fun of, but they’ve mocked pretty much everyone. But yeah, Hillary’s Hallelujah was fucking awful. And Rob had one bit... maybe two if you count “you like-a da juice”... that was kinda entertaining til it

I see movies in the theater pretty often cuz of A-List, so I’ve seen this promo a bunch and I have never seen her eyebrows move. She looks back and forth but never up or down and her forehead has not even a hint of a line on it. I don’t know why, but it’s very disconcerting to me.

Yeah, the Guardians part was very slight, like not much more than was in the previews, and is it me or did Chris Pratt look kind weird? Just... a little off, somehow? And the Gorr intro was not great, it felt very flimsy. It sounds like I hated it, but I actually mostly liked it, it was just not as good as I was

I think the boat was actually called Aegir, who is a jotunn of the sea.

Just got home from seeing it. It was... okay. Overall it was fine, but boy oh boy does the tone whiplash back and forth between comedy (which works, hmm, most of the time) and drama. I loved Ragnarok and thought Waititi did a great job on that film (and pretty much everything else I’ve seen him involved with) and love

Having seen both, Lightyear is definitely better than JW:D, but it’s hardly essential viewing. It was cute. It was sweet. It was... fine. Unlike in JW:D, I didn’t feel like banging my head on the back of the seat in front of me even once. My fear is that resurgent homophobia and rage over a little peck between two

Christina who is “from a city that looks like New York”

Since I enjoyed the last Bill & Ted movie, I’m hopeful that I’ll enjoy this. I’ll definitely be watching it.

Well, since Disney bought Fox, they could have done that anyway.

Ishtar, which debuted 45 years ago this month

I wore out on McKinnon, she’s really talented but has really been hitting the same notes over and over the last couple years. Hopefully a change will revive her creatively. Bryant got better and better and I hope she gets a lot of opportunities to shine. Mooney was... well. I’ve liked him in other things, I enjoyed