Mireille is sensational, like a She-Hulk

I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but being old and childless, I just think having babies seems so weird.

As a solid Gen-Xer I know I’m not her target market, and I don’t listen to a lot of new music, but I really like her stuff. And of what I’ve seen of her in interviews and such, she seems like she’s got a pretty good head on her shoulders. I wish her the best and I suspect I’ll end up watching this eventually.

Wasn’t she in that Louis CK movie that got pulled after his me-tooing happened?

I honestly wonder if Whedon actually truly believed the things he was saying early in his career?

I just want to know if I’ll finally be able to watch old Colbert Report episodes without using the shitty Comedy Central web interface that only lets you watch segments, has no easy way to navigate to what you want to see and instead of playing the next chronological segment when one ends, instead skips to the most

Clickbait title. You got my comment, so I guess it worked.

Get this... I’ve had a McRib before, years and years ago, and yet I till choose not to eat meat now. I suppose there are some who were raised vegetarian or vegan and have never eaten meat, but I’d guess most vegx, in America at least, have eaten meat at some point and know what they’re giving up.

Tenet is on sale on iTunes, so I went ahead and got that and watched it. I run hot and cold with Nolan, I liked The Prestige, Memento, and Dark Knight; I thought the effects were neat in Inception but otherwise I thought it was kinda meh and the other Batman movies were not my bag, and I never saw Interstellar or

I wanted to like your comment, but it’s currently at 69, so...

More 90s, comics-wise at least. Though he could use some pouches.

Oh, man, when Frank Oz tells that long story about the birthday gift Jim made for him, and then at the very end, he just cracks and walks off... heartbreaking. And Big Bird singing It’s Not Easy Being Green!

He’s not really a celebrity, but probably the biggest shock since Jim Henson for me... I was really affected by the passing of Michael Brooks last year. He was a co-host on The Majority Report with Sam Seder, he had his own show, The Michael Brooks Show, and he was a hilarious, grounded, globally-focused left thinker.

I think mostly it tried to be Avengers while only having introduced 3 of its heroes. I was mostly familiar with DC through Superfriends and the older Superman and Batman movies, and the Wonder Woman TV show, so I was familiar with them already. Cyborg? I was sort of aware that he was a character in Teen Titans Go...

I haven’t been brave enough to sit through Suicide Squad yet, mostly because of Jared Leto’s joker. I did watch BvS and there were just... so many odd choices, which all came down to Zach Snyder’s need to edge to the edge of the edge. And yeah, JL is a confused mish mash, but moments of fun popped out. And I guess

It’s not a compliment, really. I saw Green Lantern in the theater and it was... bad, not terrible, mostly just boring. Ryan Reynolds carried it quite a bit, but Parallax was dumb in the same way Galactus was dumb in Rise of the Silver Surfer; they’re comic book movies, make big ridiculous comic book villains with

I finally actually watched JL on HBO Max the other day, after years of watching the critical YouTube takes. They weren’t wrong, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. It had a few fun scenes, Ben Affleck was a better Batman than I figured he would be, Ezra Miller as the Flash was okay. It was about on

Um, white noise is not necessarily ASMR.

She’s done a lot of work, a lot of which I’ve seen, but the first thing I thought of when I saw she passed away was her as Jack Black’s love interest in the movie in an episode of the Office. It was weird and felt out of place, but it left an impression.

See, when I think “New Wave,” I’m thinking Talking Heads, Blondie, Devo, The Cars, The B-52s and the Police... like, sort of punk-ish, but more mainstream, kinda? I always thought the British bands were... something else, maybe more emo? But according to Google, they’re all “New Wave.”

Absolutely, Ted Lasso is an incredible show.