It sounds like he's very insecure and possessive — he sees women as property. He doesn't want a woman who's ever been a stripper since he thinks that he should be the only one who gets to see her like that. She should dress conservatively where other men can see her, but in the bedroom, she should dress provocatively…
I use the Merkur Heavy Classic (well-weighted) with Astra blades (inexpensive and very sharp) along with Trumper's Violet Shaving Cream (smells great, very moisturizing) and a Tweezerman brush (inexpensive and works well). $12 for 100 blades that each last a week or so, plus the shaving cream that lasts forever, is a…
The demo was an escape through and on top of a train, then through a forest, followed by Jodie vs. SWAT and Jodie on a motorcycle. I didn't notice any bad acting but that's just me.
For combat encounters, the action goes into slow motion and your character will kick/punch/dodge in a certain direction. Before the action is completed, you have to use the analog stick to match whatever direction she's moving in. If you don't match the action in time, the action will fail. You have to interpret the…
I played Beyond at PAX Prime and the action goes into slow-motion but doesn't stop and wait for your response; you have until the punch/kick/whatever connects to match the direction in which your character is moving, or it'll fail.
You can set the game to start with all lights turned on if you want.
Typo: "As Ubisoft slowly unveiled it's next-gen open-world MMO shooter The Division" should be "As Ubisoft slowly unveiled its next-gen open-world MMO shooter The Division"
I live in Philadelphia and preordered a Verizon iPhone 5 at RadioShack the morning of the day after launch, and apparently they're not getting any of them in-store until 10/5.
I'm just trying the French one now and whoever created the activities needs to learn about the use of "de" as an partitive article.
That almost sounds like the transcript from a low-rent sex hotline. "There you go. I stuck my dick in you. You lost your virginity. NEXT!"
Didn't forget that. I looked at LH's misleading headline and his vague description on his own page about the apps he was looking at, and I didn't see it on the page.
Am I mistaken or did he forget Pages?
I've found — without fail — that the degree to which I enjoy a Tim Rogers piece is inversely proportional with the degree to which others enjoy it. Although I like them all, somehow I enjoy those that people particularly dislike to a greater degree than the others. I don't know why. Maybe there's a vicariousness…
Noah Antwiler made fun of this pretty well, a little over 2 years ago:
It was Garnier if I remember. They also had it in bowls, so I grabbed some because I thought it was hand sanitizer...
"If publishers earn more for each game, is it out of the question to expect them to lower their prices?"
Technically, since the reviewer is based in Japan, it should be カラー.