But the headline "Wii Fit Doesn't Actually Make Kids Fit" and the body of the article are deeply misleading. The question people are assuming this answers is "If you use exercise games, will you lose weight?" and if you just read this article, you'd assume the answer is no, although the article doesn't set out to…
They gave them Wii Fit and EA Active, both of which include leg work (the Balance Board for the former, and I think leg straps for the latter?) but you're absolutely right. The methodology and the scope of their conclusions are both SERIOUSLY flawed.
I think that you — and Reuters — are reading the study wrong. The conclusion of the study is that simply buying a physically active video game isn't enough; you have to want to use it. They didn't MAKE the kids exercise, they simply gave it to them and wanted to see what happened.
My worst nightmare would be a superheated, superfast stream of water from either of those jets.
There's gk2gk, which has literally 5 or so other gay male users. So no go. At least for me.
Me too! it's miquonranger03 as well. Same on Xbox Live. I have one friend on PSN (who doesn't really use online stuff) and none on Xbox.
I think maybe part of the interactions between the characters resulting from their personalities was that since Worf was a Klingon, his reactions to situations would not always be the same as the humans in command.
Nintendo says it in all of their press releases. I think this is meant to reflect that since this news doesn't come from an official press release.
AFAIK, blips are representations of official industry press releases and/or announcements about upcoming events or minor things like firmware updates. The thing about Gabe Newell's beard was just a tongue-in-cheek thing and not really an official announcement about anything. It linked to a Penny-Arcade Report…
Not every story requires commentary. This is an announcement, nothing more. What commentary would you expect? Speculation? Expected announcements? Nintendo Direct presentations are not Apple keynotes. And badmouthing Brian Ashcraft for posting this is completely unnecessary.
I have had this game in its case for the last week, just waiting for the PS Vita to come out so I could pick up my preorder and play it. First world problem it may be, it's still been torturous. I sympathize with the PA strip: [penny-arcade.com]
Yeah, it looks like it just started. I like it a lot already!
How long has the Penny Arcade Report been around? I haven't seen or heard of it before. And I love Penny Arcade, so unless it's very new I'm surprised I haven't.
At first I thought this was the work of someone with schizophrenia...
True; it's not the official launch though. Most of the games (and the systems other than the pointless First Edition bundle) are out on the 22nd, so they'll probably do it then.
They're completely optional.
The description at [us.playstation.com] says "The new PS Vita 3G/Wi-Fi, powered by AT&T's Mobile Broadband Network, will change the way you game with real-time scores and game ranking news feeds, competitive multiplayer game sessions, and cross-game text messaging with Party. Game at the speed of your mobile life…
Ooh, Elika Bergelson was one of my Intro to Psychology TAs last semester! I remember when she was asking for data for this; I'm glad to see it come to fruition.