Or, just hang out with your wife and kids. That seems appropriate here.
Or, just hang out with your wife and kids. That seems appropriate here.
Not to mention that the original Death on the Nile is perfection. There’s no where to go with this but down.
the next headline to read: Ray Allen’s Wife Gets A Shitload of Money In Divorce Settlement?
Regarding Al Franken: His actions were horrible, but at what point do we can we stop painting everyone with the same brush? He was a comedian, albeit one that I never found particularly funny. He’s clearly joking in the one picture that I saw, and grabbing someone’s butt during a photo in the past sounds like a…
Mexico City significantly higher elevation than even Mile High Stadium
Matt Bryant kicked a 62-yard game-winner at sea level.
That Super Bowl was game over after the 1st snap.
Lea Michele is
doingbasicmillennial pink with a spray-tan.
Karen Fonseca is the hero we need in these dark, dark times.
She should run for office, she has bigger balls than all the men in Texas.
Is there any other player in the history of pro sports who could be both mascot and star player for their team?
God Bless Texas Women.
Yup homeboy screwed yall. After watching Dickweiler here in Houston how could he take that plug back ? Jesus he sucks. He should never dress again.
it’s the coordinator’s fault the guys fumble? the coordinator should be focused on scheme. these are professionals.
Fuck John Elway. He could’ve signed Kap, he could’ve traded for Tyrod — a good, reliable, safe QB whose own team was DYING to get rid of him. Instead the devastating roster he built and the careers of those players will go to waste, all because he can’t overcome his own latent racism/backwards thinking/Trump Humping.
They don’t have a decent quarterback, and the blame for that rests entirely with Elway.
Wait, it’s a private residence built THIS YEAR and it’s somehow special because it was temporarily used as a convent? I feel like I’m missing something. I thought this was like... a building with some historical importance?
I was wondering what the hell hubz was watching yesterday as he sat on the couch holding back tears.
He needs to go ask Aaron Rodgers how to properly showcase how straight he is.