
I had both dogs and cats on the bed all snuggled up with me and my pups would lick my hand to reassure me. My cats just looked annoyed that I kept moving so much. When I called my bf he was chuckling over the phone asking why I read them by myself.

My bff had a button that read "those of you who think you know everything really annoy those of us that do."

My bro at 14 bitched to my dad about wanting a shirt to prove he was there and my dad told him to staple the ticket stubs to a plain t shirt.

I did too but my brother was the one who talked me out of wearing them. He said it made him really sad that I bought into the idea of white being right. I threw them away that day.

This is sad that she is anxious about getting older but we are fed that nonsense about youth being everything especially in entertainment business. She's smart so I'm sure she'll learn it's all bullshit and live her life.

Thanks! She has never talked to spirits or anything and I know of but she does tell us if a place has bad vibes.

Yeezus they are more willing to help a rapist than a victim! They honestly do not believe this is a problem and probably wish all these sluts would shut up already.

My dad and I are die hard skeptics but we've learned to never ignore my mom's gut feelings. When my bf and I were buying a house we brought her to one we just adored at a great price but she refused to set foot in it. She said she had a nightmare when she took a nap after seeing that house. We didn't buy it, lost out

My mom worked with the elderly for years and said a lot of them just starve themselves to death. It's disgusting that a few get to decide for everyone else. She is a huge supporter of the right to die.

My aunt is super passive aggressive and I could totally see her pulling something like that!

It's frightening how many people STILL believe that.

One of my aunts has totally planned her funeral like that. Music to be played, outfit. coffin picked out and even back ups in case anyone she wanted to speak at her funeral passed away before she did!

Yeezus I have goosebumps! My aunties used to warn me about jinn all the time.

My grandma used to tell us that all the time!

It's not weird. I think it's pretty messed up to go through all that surgery and then deny it and peddle the bullshit "it's all make up weirdos" to teens and insecure people.

Of course they would put a Native American (victim of someone taking shit from them and rape) under an offensive slogan. Why not be a dick to as many groups as possible?!

He is so hypocritical. He didn't think it was that bad and if it was LOL it was all dark/brown men. But what can we expect from a guy who calls birth control slut pills.

My mom is in her 60's and gets catcalled. She feels cheated because everyone told her it would stop when she got old. She looks younger but seriously?!

If she referred to herself in the third person it'd be even more awesome.

He's wonderful and I have to remember that when he throws away day old food "cause it's spoiled babe."