
That "was" hurts me deep in my soul. I miss that show.

Hell yeah ContraPoints! Was getting ready to add a video myself.

I have come to the comments to alert you all to the fact that NORTH WEST WORE HER SHOES WHILE WALKING ACROSS JOJO’S BED!

A great story all around - minus the ER, but sadly that doesn't surprise me. Congrats on 5 years!

Thanks for the support.

That bread is beautiful.

I can understand why you’re torn, that sounds like an incredibly frustrating situation. But nearly 5 months of income is better than just accrued vacation. And obviously I don’t know your financial situation and you’d know your own job field and how long it might take to get a job, but from what I've read, it takes

Wow, what a week. But what an admirable attitude to take. Sending supportive hugs. 

It's now occurred to me that not has he been lying to me, but I sensed something was off and he proceeded to gaslight me. So that's fun. 

I can't speak to whether or not he is a narcissist, but I do agree I just need to focus on myself. It will be hard for me with my own codependency problems, but I can't fix his problems for him. 

well, way to jump to conclusions, since I never said anything about Asperger’s. Pragmatic speech skills can exist on their own, as part of another speech disorder, or, yes, part of the Autism spectrum. You had a question, I made a suggestion, and you jump down my throat without doing any research. That’s a bummer. I

Oooo, I loved Sisters! Almost made up for the heartbreak of Offspring getting abandoned. 

Maybe I’m just desperate to find someone to sympathize with, but today, I found out my friend has (very) poor Pragmatic speech skills. These include things like maintaining a topic of conversation, appropriate eye/face contact or joint attention, and taking turns when speaking. Does this sound at all familiar? I have

Cancer is some serious bull shit. I don’t know how old your dad is, but it sounds like it will cause him to pass sooner than you anticipated. I am so, so sorry for that. I hope you are able to have many more joyful moments with him, however much longer you have together.

Thank you Mouth face <3

Y’all, I am so disappointed. I was so looking forward to not having to use SNS as my venting space and ask for opinions on cats or tattoos. Instead, y’all are about to hear about me on the nightly news.

Ha, I wish it was Bon Marche in Paris. The Bon Marche was a chain of department store in the Pacific Northwest that spent two years as Bon-Macy’s before becoming just Macy’s.

I don’t really like rings and I hate hate hate when you wash your hands and there’s just that little bit of water squishing around down there. Plus, I always break my fingernails, so I can only imagine how a pricy ass ring would fair. But most of all, fuck the DeBeers company for making them and their exorbitant cost

Is there any possibility that such a large increase (I’m assuming it was largely a national increase, not just in New York) could saturate the market and actually make it harder for them to get jobs? Just thinking about massage and graphic design around the time I graduated....

*flash backs to my mom asking if they were (and implying I was) all lesbians*