
Is there a reason the majority of celebrities’ love lives seem to be on warp speed? Like psychologically?

I personally prefer the autospout model, because I (a grown adult) have not yet mastered drinking from a water bottle you have to tilt without nearly drowning myself at least once every time I fill it.

I personally prefer the autospout model, because I (a grown adult) have not yet mastered drinking from a water

Surprised no one touched on the fact that there is undoubtedly inbreeding going on at this point, too.

Two thumbs way, way up

My mama’s boy cat is incredibly aloof, but also requires regular snugs and pats and conformations that he is in fact #1 son from someone if I’m not around. Oh and for someone to open the front door to let him in, because apparently the cat flap has an “out only” function not visible to the human eye. Can’t imagine him

I seethe with envy. I want a dog, OES being very high on the list. But I briefly had a dog last summer and my cat freaked out and ran away from home. (Next door to my dad’s, but I still spent the next 48 hours crying because I really wanted to keep the dog and also felt insanely guilty for traumatizing my cat)

Only know the theme song and the premise, never seen it.

Isn’t “Wolf Moon” one of those “Native American names” that were, in fact, completely made up for an early edition of the Boy Scout manual? I thought I read that somewhere.


It always reeked of a set up to me. The “fan” who asked “How long is Pete?”, why would anyone phrase it like that if they honestly wanted to know the length of the song? Sure, maybe the double entendre was intentional, but then why didn’t AG just ignore it?

I never want to read about this dude or his dick again. And thanks to this and the article about Jeff Bezos the other day, I am just all dicked out for the week.

I was going to make a snide remark about how it’s just pizza and was probably Little Caesar’s Hot ‘n’ Ready at that. But then it occurred to me that it’s more than our government/ their employer is giving them.

Thank you for you reply. My current problem is number 1.

Thank you for your reply and your kid words. I haven’t completely ruled out adoption and will have to continue looking into it. Just the other night, I watched a documentary on YouTube about an Adoption Picnic in Mississippi. A lot of comments were horrified at the video, describing it as being similar to an auction,

Thanks for your reply. I really admire your kickass attitude. I hope to see you around here in the future and get to hear more about how things are going for you.

Thanks for the idea, I will have to look into them. My mom donated to the NRDC, but I felt like we all have to decide which charities are important to us and donate thusly. But I sounds like they would be a good one to donate to, given my specific concerns.

Thank you very much for your reply. I have found that there is a therapist specialty known as pregnancy, prenatal, and postpartum and there is a therapist in my area who has it as her main focus. I hope to make an appointment with her soon and she will be able to help me.

Thank you so much for your reply. I don’t know why, but as soon as I read it, I began to unclench. Followed by several more positive ones, which has really allowed me to move back and obsess less about this issue. That being said, I’ve already moved on to a new issue. Fortunately, I have found out there is a therapy

I wish I had something more valuable to say than I hear you. And I’m sorry you’re dealing with these painful feelings.

Hey, me too! Weight loss buddy *high fives* I was just reading an article on NPR titled “How to Make Exercise a Habit that Sticks”. I will agree with the 2nd tip, I was doing really well with my exercising when I would also watch Q.I. while on the treadmill.