YUM. Yum is the word you are looking for. *drools*
YUM. Yum is the word you are looking for. *drools*
This is an idiotic stereotype that I can't wait to finally put to rest
Yeah, good grief, why didn't a contemporary media outlet on the Internet in 2014 use the Transcontinental Railroad as an analogy? Harumph.
Esp. if the other guy is well-built, amirite?
I have lived in Dubai for four years and I can tell you that this kind of slave labor, and let it be called nothing less than that, is all too real. While Dubai does not have the same number of fatalities as Qatar when it comes to this kind of human torture, the details
These surrendering jokes are honestly getting old... Bouahaha, french, white flags, for sale: french gun, dropped once, never used...etc etc... We know... We might be speaking german if americans were not there, though, you'd be speaking english everyday if it were not for us.......... wait........
pretty sure it's a lambo brah
Yo, I don't care about this discussion either way, but I'm mostly amazed at the mental gymnastics it took you to somehow think that she said that somehow you were sending her rape threats. You, specifically. Holy hell. How did you get there?
I'm just going to post this periodically for people who hate the new format as much as I do, sorry if you've already seen it.
I've flown with these jokers before, when he says Europe, he means Europe a small city in Western Tajikistan, where you can catch a bus to Paris for 848,009 somoni.
Quick note to our southern neighbours
Who cares? Didn't we just show that we don't care if the politics are terrible, even if there is a terrible human cost (not to mention a cost to the quality of the athletics)?
Having a rivaly like this makes this kind of thing so much more fun. So thanks for being good enough and close enough to make hockey even more fun to watch America.
How do you get 100 Canadians into a pool?
As a Canadian I take offense to none of this. You make some funny points and are more than entitled to your opinion. All the the best to you and your family Mr Magary and have a great day eh. Thanks for thinkong about us !
You forgot that they drink milk from bags
I can see you're not serious about having a discussion since very few of your responses contain actual information.
It's pretty clear he's still connecting the two, even if he's thinking "I'll take the racial expectation and then give it some other meaning," kinda like making a game about a black drug addict and then trying to say "it's not a race thing, it's..." I mean, you're still drawing those false parallels.