
Circa 1999 when LA street racing was a huge night event. Seemed like hundreds of cars collecting at gas stations waiting to hear where we would line up or spectate. If the original “Fast and Furious” got anything remotely right, it would’ve been this.

LACR is long gone. In addition to the drive, it’s altitude caused for some disappointing times and trap speeds. I still have fond memories of that track - when I had a Turbo Integra then a 2002 WRX - lining up against the V8 muscle.

I contract with the consumer products side of things - last year we had staff volunteer their vintage SW Kenner action figures for a design-guide photoshoot - same scenario. Told my buddy/creative director, “who’ve thought we’d make a living playing with these things.”

It’s been a real PITA for photographers lately. Dust, scratches, smudges, odd reflections. It adds so much more time to prep, clean, and photoshop.

At the time, most Art Center instructors were “Masters of their Craft” (and buddies). I’m sure Syd would have had a few things to say about the instructor who’d done work for The Beatles too.

Oh, hell yes - It’s awesome.

While attending Art Center, I had an instructor that would poke fun at Mead, his vision of the future, and any student that designed thinking the future was anything like Mead’s artwork. It was a lesson in being timeless, even your vision of the future can end up looking dated - Like Syd Mead’s.

What’s the deal with the minute 2hp and 1lb-ft of torque difference between the manual and CVT?

The same people that want the Government to stay out of their business and property (Small Government!) are going to be first in line for government aid. Texas basically ignored science, is lax on regulations and, in some parts, built on wetlands. Fuck em.

Or register on Kauai/Maui. Where’s the super ferry when you really need it?

haha! me too.

I heard a rumor many years ago that the owner/Sam had actually stockpiled a few 9s to resell as collector items in the future.

Crap. Back in the day, even when they had appointments, they barely happened on time!

I’d follow this up with “How to Baggage Claim Like You’re Not an Idiot”.


At least these are the small kine - they don’t fly.

20 years ago. I was a 18 year old kid with a hand-me-down 1988 Beige Acura Integra Automatic with a need to go fast. I had done every stupid money wasting modification within my meager budget. Nology wires - check. Beru Spark Plugs - check. Filter on a stick - check. Last ceramic DC Sports Header in stock - check.

My exact sentiments when I got there.

That’s better than my options passing through Amarillo TX.