
How different is this from the peel-coats we use for commercial automotive shoots? It sounds like the same process but I’ve never considered peel-coats durable enough for everyday use.

My theme: “Truck Mullet”

Not surprised. In the time that i’ve left, all new generations have taken the wheel.

I lived in Glendale from 97-02. Getting out of the car isn’t exactly a new twist. Had 2 uh... “bros” in a Camry pass me in the center island going down Glendale Blvd. Not like traffic was slow or tight. Annoyed, I foolishly decided to return the favor. They go to pass me again, block 2 lanes of southbound traffic, and

Agreed on all counts. I just make an exception for Mike and his “Tractor”.

We have those fools on our side of the pond too. At least this guy was standing. Some woman got hit doing exactly what you described earlier in the day. Pikes Peak 2013.

My titanium marriage homing device. The authority got it for me last year. Used it probably a handful of times, preferably when I’m out with the rest of the pride. It was a cool idea since it wasn’t old tech i.e.: gold. But it still sits, collecting dust... somewhere.

This counts as towing for a Fiat, right? I mean, the load carrier would occasionally be dragging on the right dips.

“Also FYI, nobody wheels NEW Land Cruisers in the US...”

If you hold the bottle “gangsta” you won’t need a funnel. Honestly.

Plot twist. That was actually his penis.

My grandfather, who was a Japanese-American serving the Military Intelligence Service of the US, talked about how he strongly believed that they intercepted communications that Japan was transporting Uranium Ore. He could never confirm their suspicions since the transport ship was sunk immediately.

Whoa, 30!

I’ve gotten about 8 speeding tickets over the years. I’ve plead guilty for 2 and taken traffic school. 1 I tried to fight and lost. The other 5 I’ve beaten with written declarations (CA).

... and (gasp) she’s a Jersey girl.

Different tools for different professions. I and 99% of my creative colleagues are on Macs.

A bank statement shoved in the door panel with over $200k in checking.

Replace car/machine with wife... still applies.

I actually bought 300 shares for shits and giggles a while back ($100 or so). It’s now worth 15¢.

Anyone interested in taking my shares of SLNN?