
Agreed. My best encounter was on 395 outside of Bishop, CA. Guy on his cell phone going 45 in a 65. I’m in my camper truck, not wanting to waste the gas to accelerate around him and figuring he may have not noticed the MPH increase, I flip the high beams to give notice. He proceeds to flip out in all kinds of ways:

Beige 1988 Acura Integra Auto goes Boom on NOS.

My 7 seconds of fame on that Loeb run...
er... my Tundra and camper really: 5:16 - 5:24.

Some of those options are space inefficient and add weight but an interesting article.

I was ghosted... after the heart wrenching break. I was not the person I felt she deserved at the time. I had a lot of issues in my life and couldn’t put my all into the relationship. I was having a breakdown. Told her to give me some time and I’d be back. Her last words to me were “you know where to find me”. That

You can also look into 0% interest Care Credit for up to 18 months.

Looks like a standard guardrail to me... and I’m sure the design team did too. So they threw some horses on there for scale.

2Hrs? Sounds like anywhere between the 55 and 15 portions of the 91.

In the 2 states I have been ticketed (Hawaii and California) have “trial by written declaration” as an option to plead your case. If you you lose the written decision, you can still request a court hearing. So, you really get 2 chances.

Yea. that’s what I was trying to say but it came out all wrong.


It’s usually an option on the back of your ticket. You make a request to defend via written declaration. They send you the case info and instructions. Then both you and the officer submit a statement of facts. The judge reviews both statements and makes a decision.

Request a written declaration if you plan to fight the ticket. You have a better chance defending your case and winning judgement than in court. The ticketing officer will on occasion not write their declaration, making the case dismissed. And, should you loose, you can then request to go to court. I have beaten 4

It is one of the worst here in SoCal. I’m not usually sensitive to pollen allergies but I got a damn sinus infection from it this year. I ended up buying an additional air purifier and placed it right next to the bed. Poor wife is super sensitive. Got a roll of TP next to the bed just for her nose. Near daily use of

Yes, Those are 2 other (more practical ways) of going about a rolling shot (which I have used as well). PR/Ed is a lot of run and gun - no permits on public roads, so safety is an issue. Clients expect certain locations, where getting a car up to speed for a good pan isn’t always safe - compromises.

Sorry... cannot be unseen from this moment on. I’m sure no-one internally noticed or cared. It’s just a PR teaser. Not an actual product, press release, or marketing shot.

Gotdamnit! I spoke too soon! 4-wheel drums!

As an automotive photographer, nothing pisses me off more than when they radial blur the rims... spinning the brake caliper with it.

Going with option C on the glass-eye, patch debate: the glass-patch.

I still check on my 1996 Integra GSR that was stolen in 2001. Hoping that she has been found and retitled or, at least, salvaged. No luck. I miss that car.