
Seriously, what is the problem with this website? Stop spoiling shows immediately... at least put the picture inside the article so we can check it if we want to, but don’t have to be immediately smacked in the face with a picture of the spoiler.

The transformation of the media narrative surrounding her is unsurprising if you understand the function of tabloid plot lines in selling magazines”

Not to be That Commenter, but there’s only one monarch, and that’s currently the Queen. And Los Angeles will be deprived of the Duchess’s glamourous presence for awhile longer: the Sussexes are moving to Canada, where we’re in some kind of debate over whether we do or do not pick up the tab for their security. 

In my mind this is the fairy-tale ending Harry and Meghan deserve. They were trapped in an intractably toxic ecosystem where nothing they did or would do in future would be respected or given credit — they and their son would just be destroyed by vicious gossip and rumour, while surrounded by an unsupportive family

Well, they’ll probably buy a place in California too because that’s where her mom is. But yeah primary residence is & will be Canada.

I would just like to remind Sanders voters that in 2016 the Democrats put out the most liberal platform in decades to try to appease the Sanders voters, and we still lost.

I know I don’t know these people and shouldn’t gaf but as a woc my heart really does break for Meghan.

They’re also not “rich monarchs”. The only monarch in the UK is their grandmother. William will be monarch at some point in the future, after Charles, but Harry won’t ever be monarch. 

Also, they are living in Canada, not the U.S.

Joan, maybe it’s better that you leave Royals coverage to Kelly Faircloth. You clearly loathe them, and I come to Jez for snark, not “loathing! unadulterated loathing!”

I think the dinner scene would be more like Harry yelling at William and the rest of the family, “The racists came for my wife and you did nothing!”

You can right the ship with sweeping policy changes. FDR did it.

Just because you voted for someone who didn’t win doesn’t mean your vote doesn’t matter. 

I don’t think Biden is a bad guy, and he’s obviously a million times better than Trump and I will happily vote for him, my main concern though is that he’ll just be kicking the can down the road with more neo-liberalism that does nothing to address the issues that gave us Trump in the first place. My biggest fear of a

I mean, am I wrong though?

Right. And that’s entirely their choice. And I’m sure if enough people make a stink about this book maybe they’ll reconsider, or maybe they won’t care and would rather gamble on Allen’s notoriety and the fact that Allen is still very popular outside the US (the parent company of both Hachette USA and the company

Books aren’t published based on “need” or whether or not a writer is “deserving” (whatever that even means, because different people need different so-called needs and whether or not a writer is deserving depends on who you ask). They’re published based on interest or a publisher’s belief in a writer. And personally I

You can’t control what other people spend their money on, and honestly I’m more bothered by the need to censor what people are allowed to publish than I am by the prospect of a woody Allen memoir that I don’t plan to read anyway. Woody Allen is reportedly worth 80 million. And if this sells well (and I’m not sure it

I have no intention of reading Allen’s memoir but I also don’t have an issue with it being published. If people don’t want to read it, don’t buy it and don’t read it. Simple as that. 

In fairness, Bloomberg has said he will do that regardless. Dude’s worth 60 billion dollars, so half a billion isn’t going to stop him from doing what he wants to do.  Also in fairness, he seems genuinely concerned about climate change, so I suspect he would view investing billions of dollars in electing Democrats