
They don’t have children together.

So much of this family’s schtick is to be antagonistic. 

“Four more years of Donald Trump! I say that every chance I get, I just like to trigger the left...”

I always pray there’s a norovirus outbreak at CPAC. Norovirus is one helluva fun, wild ride.

An angry, aggro Injun in a fuckin’ blackout

I’m a guy on the internet; I pretty much just talk out of my ass.

Bernie is not my first choice for the primary, but Bernie, full-stop, is not pie-in-the-sky. And the best way to talk yourself down is to remember that.

Quick vent here...I haven’t watched the debates until last night, on purpose for my sanity. I love EW, but yall...I’m getting scared. I sometimes feel Bernie is very “pie in the sky” who would def turn off moderates. I kind of found myself leaning toward AK. She’s not as left as I’d like her to be, and I don’t see EW

Harry is still a prince, and in fact is still in the line of succession. He only agreed to stop using the title (and HRH) publicly/for gain.

I’d like to hear if it is or if it isn’t tough from Jennifer Garner, not from her boyfriend.

Like when Obama’s presidency ended racism in America?

As if anyone has a sense of humour when it comes to Megan, Harry and the british monarchy. Have you not seen the comments any time they're mentioned?

They trademarked it for protection, per their lawyers recs, same as Cambridge Royal has been. They ARE still Royal thru May, so keeping that thru May is apt. They knew in January they would not be using Royal, not some oh bam you greedy fuckers, no.

They evidently still had “reasonable doubt” about those charges. Hard to know why without jurors coming forward.

Jezebel - always there to express sarcastic delight at the setbacks of others. Especially others that have more money than their bloggers. Which is just about everybody. Real targets.. People that are definitely bad and motivated by doing bad - are always overlooked. Unless they are a white male.

I really hope no one wants to go near him with a ten foot pole. He’s also the perfect excuse for every person who abuses power and women to say “See! We fixed the problem! Harvey is no more! Now stop complaining ladies and get your sweet cheeks back to work!”

Its rather a shame that the whole institution of the monarchy is clearly 100% about ‘the firm’ and how to run it... and practically zero % about a large and extended family. I truly don’t understand why the seniors did not make it possible for Harry’s new family to take a sabbatical for a while as they sort through

Has Trump pardoned him yet?

Um, they never renounced their titles. They just don’t want to be ‘working royals’ and get any taxpayer funds and participate in the royal rota system with the racist British media. And apparently that is a worst offense than raping teenage girls, at least judging by the fact that he’s received better treatment than

They never renounced their titles.