This is how we know there is no god. If there was, the orange shitpile, McConnel, Kushner, and Stephen Miller would be gasping their last. But, geez, not a one of them.
This is how we know there is no god. If there was, the orange shitpile, McConnel, Kushner, and Stephen Miller would be gasping their last. But, geez, not a one of them.
The contempt that most legitimate medical doctors (read: actually MDs who aren’t on television pushing snake oil and bullshit) have for President FatAss is beautiful. And the best part is, they don’t give a fuck about offending him, because they know at best he’s full of shit and at worst, he’s going to kill more…
Johnson thought ‘herd immunity’ was the best solution. Did he think he was exempt from that theory? What goes around comes around, Boris.
I always watch the Queen’s broadcasts, in case one day she says, “You’re all a bunch of morons. I’m retaking power and will rule henceforth absolutely. You simply can’t be trusted with something as sophisticated as democracy. It’s better this way. You’ll see.”
As I’ve mentioned on this site what I have been saying to family and friends ad nauseam....thank goddess we fucking live in California. Oh and thank you to my kick-ass doctor and my kick-ass hospital. I make sure I catch Newsom’s and Cuomo’s press briefings...they’re a smibillion times more informative (and truthful)…
I’m a native Californian, and I feel so fortunate to be living here during this crisis. Newsom has been amazing at acting quickly, and staying hopeful and optimistic. I’ve liked him ever since he was mayor of SF, but he’s really shining right now.
Well he’s got a lotta time on his hands since he solved the crisis in the Middle East...
Spreading it all the way, like Hell’s Santa Claus.
“You mean we could have just been straight up lying all this time and our idiot voters wouldn’t have cared? Even when there’s official documentation and video evidence that we’re lying our asses off?”
Could’ve had a competent Stacey Abrams if that ignorant cracker asshole didn’t cheat.
Moreover, she’s a freshman rep with a two-year term - one of 27 NY state representatives - who is up for re-election this fall (and running against several challengers). How many Americans would stumble to name their own senator, but have formed weirdly strong opinions about this one woman based solely on press…
I am getting heartily sick of people acting like she stabbed Bernie in the back every time she’s not his silent, obedient handmaiden. Just because they share many ideals doesn’t mean she has to follow ten paces behind with her eyes down.
Like, the Civil Rights Act wasn’t passed by sitting with arms folded and telling everyone to go fuck themselves. It was passed by LBJ making political deals.
Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez came into Washington with more political capital than most freshman congresspeople, and she’s acquitted herself well. I think she’s too far left to win statewide in New York, and you couldn’t put her on the ballot in Ohio and expect her to carry it in a national election, but she fits her…
You do understand that we can be 100% in support of Sanders and his policies and vote that way, while simultaneously criticizing him and his supporters for valid reasons?
People get so worked up about endorsements, but forget that the wrong endorsement can do more than than good. If someone is a polarizing figure, their endorsement can just as easily turn away potential voters.
Oh no, Mr. Brexit loves the Brits. The real message is “Don’t let that African-American take our money”.
Were they ever expecting the US to pay for their security? I feel like this is one of those pointless comments that Trump likes to make where he gets credit for doing something that would have already been done. Now his cult can clap and say “yeah, don’t let those dirty Brits take our money!” when they never would…
somehow the tabloids will blame Meghan for this.