
They thought this was a great soundbite?

your mom wasn’t there, so.

He doesn't have a step daughter and has never had a step daughter 

Don't even try to debate most of these people. It's hopeless. The amount of circular logic going on with Woody haters is really something to see. 

You weren't there EITHER!

I respect this. The allegations have been out there for ages so there is no excuse for anyone to say “I didn’t know!” and back away from it. Scarjo at least has the courage to say “ I know and I don’t give a fuck because life is short.” That is a terrible position but at least she’s not a coward.

Yeaaaah. When I read that line about paying based on experience, I was willing to believe that until I saw his very short list of writing credits pre-CRA. She is absolutely right to be outraged. Good for her for walking away. 

Yeah, it’s not like you are lying about her age or anything.

And the public record clears him.

Um...read the court docs.

So you guys want to tell her who she can like and work with? This site is more and more pathetic by the day. Not just Jezebel, all the connected Kinja sites.

Um, asking someone when they lost their virginity is not sexual harassment. 

This is her right. When it’s a matter of he said/she said, when there is Zero concrete evidence, we as individuals can believe whatever the hell we want. Same as the Michael Jackson case. Yes, when a victim comes forward, we have to believe and support that individual but as time passes and court actions and public

I believe him too.

Good for her for not being intimidated by the children’s tantrum.

I’m all in for Warren but will unenthusiastically vote for anyone else with a D by their name.

Unlike some of the commenters on Jezebel and more often on Splinter, I do think he is a good person.  With some really outdated ideas.  He is a dinosaur really.  Who has lost his edge because of cognitive degeneration due to age.  This is a serious problem.

If that were true I imagine he’d be polling quite a bit higher in the Dem. primary. He has a lot of support, but it certainly isn’t 50% and he currently appears to be losing supporters to Warren with her more moderate branding combined with detailed policy proposals.

Jeb Bush is a good person too, that doesn’t mean i would want him in charge of anything. 

If he eventually wins the nomination, how long do you think we’ll have to wait until another DNC hack shows definitively that they Hillary’d him - i.e. “it’s his turn now, so we’re going to go out of our way to help him and not the other candidates to the point of possibly defrauding the American people”? Because