Vince Pack

That solves the mystery - drivetrain by Toyota! 

At least the wheel arches are bad on both sides!

They all look decent, but that first one looks spectacular. 

I would pay actual money to see that one!

Funny, it brings me great pleasure. 

Anyone here not absolutely stunned that police couldn’t confirm the legitimacy of a car rental within 10-15 minutes? I’d hire a fricking attorney, too. 

That would be more efficient, but would also limit the satisfaction of those effected.

Looks like Injinji wasn’t on your list. I have Smartwool, Darn Tough, Icebreaker, and a host of others. NONE get worn anymore. If I’m not in Birkenstocks, I have Injinjis on inside my shoes or boots. Strange things, toes. You never really think about how sweaty and sticky they get - until they don’t. Now I

Looks like Injinji wasn’t on your list. I have Smartwool, Darn Tough, Icebreaker, and a host of others. NONE get

I have no recollection of this car. Shame on me! Too bad Toyota would never build such a radical (beautiful) car. They need a halo to compete with the GT-R and the NSX. 

They should sentence the asshole to one week of detainment at the Broadway/5th Ave station in a stockade so people can spit on him, then one year of digging trash out of the tracks. 

I’m betting they’re ducted. Otherwise, I guess they’re for cooling the tires?!

If it makes you feel better, beside the very angry looking driver sits a person who looks very much like Chevy Chase mated with Bernie Ecclestone. Possibly in that very car. It would certainly explain the driver’s apparent bad mood. 

I bet the actual hardest job in football belongs to Gase’s eyelids. Keeping those eyeballs from popping out and bouncing around the room has got to be exhausting.

I knew when I saw those wheels a few months back there had to be some sort of 3D printing involved. The look almost like watch complications! 

Looks like my other all time favorite contemporary BMW was there, also - the Z8. I live quite close and have several friends who work there. 

Then there are cars, like the classic Mini, which have both a side mounted radiator AND a functional grill. My understanding is the the side mounted grill (in this case) limits airflow somewhat to prevent the engine from operating too cool in the wet, chilly British climate. When I got mine to the warm, humid

VERY cool. Also, overpriced. Still, I want it. 

I have a Stratos and love it. Just over a year old and it’s been on two ultralight overnighters and dozens of day trips when it also doubles as my camera pack (with a Mountainsmith camera cube insert). 

I have a Stratos and love it. Just over a year old and it’s been on two ultralight overnighters and dozens of day

This brings up an excellent point, however. How would one pull over a self driving car if it did not have an operator aboard?”

All your statistics and fact-pulling certainly help your case, but really - it’s Steve Harvey. All you had to say is “Steve Harvey is *virtually any negative stereotype*” and we would all agree in totality.