Minimum Maus

I’m ardently committed to the “letting the young people enjoy their thing and ignoring the compulsion to broadcast my disinterest“ challenge. It’s like your challenge, but even more smug.

I have to think nothing makes him more upset then

There are a lot of bad things on Twitter, and then there is Lucy Lawless herself never missing an opportunity to dunk on her old co-star for the newest dumb thing he said. She’s a national treasure and she’s not even ours! 

Statements like “At work occasionally someone will get it, be out sick for a couple days, then are back at it,” implicitly erase the experience of all kinds of people for whom a COVID infection is far, far more serious.

::reads comments::

Wow, this is the totally different than what the daily beast said! They fucking buried this show. Hopefully it’s good as I love the She Hulk character. 

There is something funny about the dude who made Rocky V saying how he would never exploit the franchise for greed.

The exact people who have been running these bot fueled astroturfing campaigns should be fairly easy to track down if any companies invested in doing it. Rolling Stone hired their own firm and it quickly deduced one of the main domains spurring the SnyderCut shit was owned by a now-defunct Ad agency that offered bots.

I mean it is pretty clear someone is trying to manipulate things. Particularly when it comes to actresses and female pop culture characters. The online bot push to bashing female leads in Star Wars, Marvel, and DC got crazy and it fed into a trend that got negative reactions and ratings to just about everything with

There’s Gamergate, this, the whole Depp-Heard trial, plenty of moments lately where it’s very clear somebody’s doing a lot of astroturfing as a recruitment tool, or just to tweak someone’s algorithm.

The further away we get from Gamergate, the more apparent it is that it was the start of, y’know, *everything.* I think if it wasn’t Gamergate it definitely would have been something else...all the ingredients and technology were there, so it was just a matter of time really...but it’s a foundational moment in the

I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised...It stank of Gamergateness from the beginning.

Yes. Or, more rationally even, only send a few agents inside while the rest form a perimeter. The agents inside can follow the rules and be respectful, because that’s what you do for people who you don’t think are beneath you.

It’s a fun thing to look back on, now that both LoT and the AV Club are over.

If you can somehow get the information to us about exactly where you’re being held by the person pointing the gun at your head and forcing you to read these clearly-titled articles, perhaps we can organize a rescue...?

Ooh, what’s this article? Scenes from an upcoming Dr. Strange movie? Well, I am a spoiler-averse person, so I could merely choose not to click on it. Or, and bear with me on this, I could click on it to whine about it, respond to myself with extra whines, and finish it off with a “I might quit this very website” type

Not sure why you’d click on an article about scenes from Doctor Strange and then complain about spoilers. It’s pretty obvious what this would be about. 

Did you also immediately assume Zack Snyder got fired from Justice League when he stepped away due to family members? No because he’s a white man? So shut up then.

I mean the article literally says due to family matters but sure let’s all assume the POC woman got fired.

Even Chris Rock knows better than letting the LAPD take away a black man