I really liked Zemo asking Sam and Bucky if they’d been to the Sokovia memorial. It’s a nice way to remind the audience that, whatever else he’s done, Zemo is a victim of the Avengers’ actions.
I really liked Zemo asking Sam and Bucky if they’d been to the Sokovia memorial. It’s a nice way to remind the audience that, whatever else he’s done, Zemo is a victim of the Avengers’ actions.
Fun fact: the guy who plays Greg in these movies was previously on a sitcom called ‘Day by Day’ and they did an episode where he dreamed he was a Brady.
It is a fuck of a thing to read an article describing zombies raping living women as merely “try-hard” and “edgy” as opposed to ludicrously offensive and obscene.
Not so Fun Fact: The original script for this movie had rape zombies in it (https://screenrant.com/zack-snyder-army-dead-script-changes/)...
“You know the rules: space grass, space gas, or space ass.”
Google? :-) It always strikes me how little most men know about nail polish removal. I once painted an ex’s nails for a Halloween party, and afterward, he came to me panicked because he couldn’t scrub it off and he was afraid to let his professor see him with painted nails the next morning. A male friend of mine was…
Couldn’t agree more. Also from an adopted family, also find this trope gross and offensive.
“only his adopted sister”
I had trouble watching that scene because sinking into lava while pushing an obelisk to save her family is how my mother actually died.
“I’m Jewish and my ancestors were also slaves”
It does not surprise me that evolutionary psychologists are embedded in bad ideas about humor. It’s hard to think of an academic “discipline” so poorly equipped to understand anything fundamental to human behavior. They are people who never accepted what Sigmond Freud said to his daughter.
This movie made me mad to realize how completely WASTED Cavill was in Man of Steel. He has charm for days when he’s allowed to.
Where to start? The sketch is actually based on a real BBC Sports commentator.
If you don’t see the difference between calling something “Chinese food” and referring to an illness as a “Chinese virus,” it may be because you’ve never thought about it.
It would only be a fake song if it was incomplete, or known by reference only, so that you wished you could hear the whole thing. Like in-story movies seen only in clips and trailers a la Tropic Thunder.
And like actual retirement, after sundown it’s wall-to-wall fucking.
congrats on not hearing a pretty fun song
Yeah, the fact that this article specifically mentions Tony sacrifice in Endgame and doesn’t mention Black Widow at all is glaring.
Dear Tom:
Can I call you Tom? I like the feature, and normally I’d don’t give a shit, but please talk to more women other than your daughter and the woman who probably gave birth to her. After many decades of NOT HAVING SHIT REPRESENT US, lots of women had an emotional reaction to the damn women-Avengers moment and did…