
I was already mad about Steinhem’s comment and the hell comment; so nice to see that Albright also said young women HAVE to vote for Hillary. If Hillary is the nominee, I will suck it up and vote for her. But she is making me more and more resentful of her assumption that I owe her anything. Yes, she climbed the

I will vote for whoever wins the Democratic primary, but watching folks like Madeline Albright and Henry Kissinger heap praise upon Clinton is really getting to me lately. Of all my concerns with her potential presidency, the one that worries me the most might be her long history of hawkish and interventionist foreign

I think the messaging needs to change for some of these older feminists.

I feel like I should be mad about this, but at the same time, I’m tired of fighting each other

Hear that ladies? If you vote for Bernie you’re going to hell. Of course if you do anything that makes you feel good in any way, you’re probably going to hell anyway.

That Larry David clip was absolutely legit. I’d vote for Bernie just for four years of bizarro Curb skits on SNL.

Um. I FUCKING LOVE IT. Like... I am in love.

I cannot handle this...I should have stuck with her all along but now I went from “Bills Bills Bills” to THIS?! I think the shock to my system was too much. Anyone got a baby aspirin?! That was amazing.

The song is meh if you’re looking to something to belt in the car or dance along to.

that little boy in a hoodie in front of the police, and the cutting to the “stop shooting us”... damn, that did me in.

I’ve tried to make this argument before and peoel have accused me of “no true Scotsman”.

Yeah, Gloria, it has absolutely nothing to do with his much more liberal positions and the fact that he’s not backed by corporate dudes. It’s that the boys like him.

Oh my GOD, Steinem. How is this helping?!?

I’m a Hillary voter, but Steinem needs to STFU. I’m voting for Hillary (with some reluctance) because I think she’s a battle-tested beltway beeyotch who can clobber Republican radicals. I'd be voting for Biden if he were running.

Or we could love Bernie because we handle the checkbook and know things aren’t adding up in the economy to secure our children’s future... Could be that we don’t want another capitalist, warmongering tycoon... Could be that we can look past gender and see that Bernie talks about what we need; Hillary only gives spin

Gloria Steinhem is very hit and miss for me, and this is a miss. Really? I’m supporting Bernie to chill with the boys?

As much as I’d like a women president just so that society could start getting over seeing a women in charge as a threat, I appreciate that we should elect the best option, not the only option.

Hillary Clinton has publicly attacked and personally threatened women who have accused her husband of sexual assault. She defended a child rapist who she believed to be guilty, getting him off on a technicality. I would never vote for her precisely because I’m a radical feminist. The idea that Hillary should be

This reminds me of how no one is taking the hugely relevant and important Ke$ha abuse lawsuit and how her career and art is basically held prisoner by her abuser....but Mainsteram Media don’t talk about it because of her act.

Yes, and while Maher continues to be insufferable (he naturally ends the conversation by trying to bait Steinem, as with all guests on his show, into echoing his exceptionalist anti-Muslim bullshit), he’s dead-on in addressing the fact that Sanders is beating Clinton on young people across-the-board, not just young