Imani Gandy did a BEAUTIFUL take down here, with annotations and some explanation of the legalese
Imani Gandy did a BEAUTIFUL take down here, with annotations and some explanation of the legalese
July 2nd, so Saturday night!!!!!
HAHA SUCKAS. I bought tickets in October, within three days of getting obsessed. $394 for two seats; I’m seeing this bad boy JULY FOURTH WEEKEND, BITCHES.
Item 1) I believe you meant “reading comprehension” not “reading compression”, but I’ll be generous and blame autocorrect. How magnanimous of you to use a list! Clearly the fault was in my own deficiencies, not in your inability to succinctly make a clear point.
Not really. They've been sniping at all the candidates. They've been less nasty to the Dems than the GOP. I will grant that the BernieBros are more vicious than the pro Hillary people.
Hillary backed up Madeline’s comment. And just as BernieBros reflect a little poorly on Bernie or annoy possible supporters, I am annoyed by being condescended to by Hillary supporters.
Your comment rambled a bit; I’m not entirely sure what your point was.
I support Sanders. Now, if Hilary wins the nomination, I have to vote for her. I live in a swing state, and I don't want the Supreme Court stacked by a republican.
I was already mad about Steinhem’s comment and the hell comment; so nice to see that Albright also said young women HAVE to vote for Hillary. If Hillary is the nominee, I will suck it up and vote for her. But she is making me more and more resentful of her assumption that I owe her anything. Yes, she climbed the…
Zero that I can tell, although statistically, probably out of, say, 10 dudes, 1 yells misogynist insults on the Internet but doesn't do so IRL. I’ve made several pointed comments about BernieBro behavior and everyone has agreed with me.
Gloria Steinhem is very hit and miss for me, and this is a miss. Really? I’m supporting Bernie to chill with the boys?
Does it bother anyone else how very, very white this stage is? I sometimes forget that as bad as our appalling numbers are for female representation in Congress, it is SO MUCH WORSE for non-white women.
Oh god now I'm terrified that this is gonna happen. He already looks half dead on the field.