

I guess Natural Selection is toying with him for now...

Yeah but the corporate welfare is returned in kind in the form of junkets, campaign funding, etc. No way he's going to touch that...

Good thing he wasn't a Senator back when the airplane or automobile was being developed... if he had his way, they would have never taken off...

Oh geees... I must be a victim with all the dank, dirty, grimy dubstep I listened to back then. I'm probably a sleeper now... some trigger will probably make me run amok naked and put a headlock on someone I probably shouldn't, which would be the smokescreen to the actual operation taking place.

or references a condition of a body part, like Boehner.

Tough break...

That was akin to someone thinking a touchdown was scored during a homerun at a baseball game...

Also... isn't Anonymous engaging in campaigns against the Qaddafi regime? Isn't NATO engaged in operations to bri... (okay, maybe not officially bring down the regime) support the Benghazi rebels? Aren't these two agendas complimentary? Hmmm...

I was so waiting for the other shoe to drop... *gets some popcorn*

You like performance, you cheer and clap

To the women who fell victim to this unfortunate and disgusting act (and perhaps I'm being harsh here): Steam will not fix your computer. Yes, no one should be violated. There is no excuse for it. It's not your fault this sick person did this to you. However, please use the brain that developed during its

step up and play indeed...

Un-f'ing-believable... It's a good thing I don't use any of those apps... seriously there needs to be a User Bill of Rights.

I guess he's still paying for releasing that crap album, Animal Rights...

Always loved Amon Tobin. Pure Genius!

People still go to the theater?

Oh Storm Shadow... is this what has become of you?

*Hugs all the technology around him*