I am definitely with you on this. I think this custom is utterly absurd.
I am definitely with you on this. I think this custom is utterly absurd.
He stated that reporters who risked their lives to get a story out are heroes:
This is about as unnerving as walking in on a group of people engaging in a fetish I never knew existed, do not understand, and involving women who really would rather be elsewhere if they didn't need the money. Sounds like Vegas...
Fear and Loathing at #CES...
No. There are specific examples of shoddy construction due to the actions of some to cut corners in order to take advantage of exploding demand (i.e. greed). People in China have complained about this for years. The article I provided explains this. I am speaking to specific events. This is not a generalization…
Cheap as in the untrained, unskilled labor often used, minimal regulations if any, little oversight, etc ... the kinds of things that drive up the cost of construction.
I seem to remember a time lapse of a building built in record time in China a few years ago. We all marveled at the feat. And then some weeks later, it collapsed...
It figures George Romero got his inspiration from this sort of behavior...
I'd say "Boo ya booyakusha!" However, reacting that way regarding this development would be in poor taste *dead pan look*
They seriously need to do a "where is he now" on that Iraq Information Ministry dude.
My preliminary analysis yields that this is fakety fake fake-a-roni fakester fake. I'll know more when my analysis is complete.
Eventually the tech will catch up. As much as I love Ridley, this is another "there's something wrong with this new fangled technowatchamacallit" for the annals of "dude, it improved and became ubiquitous" history. Like can't the new old people learn something from the old old people for once???
Saying a plane has been grounded multiple times does not equal saying that it has been grounded and never used.
The hell with the defense spending issue. Whether you agree with the current level of defense spending, a lesser level, or a greater one, such discussions miss the point where the F22 is concerned.
Yeah, I typed it and then realized it after the fact and decided it would be funny to play it up.
Not adverse to a 5 inch tablet, although I'd prefer at least 7. I just find the 10 inchers too large. I'd prefer to be able to hold it with one hand. I suppose a 10 incher is great for home use though, at least in my opinion. (you know I can't believe I'm actually posting this...)
Somewhere Natural Selection laughs in the darkness...
Seriously, when that "yeah yeah" happened, I had to hit pause. I nearly died.