
That's like sending drug addicts to find drugs?

It's a joke...

Yes but that's not rent *looks blankly*

All I can say is OWWWW!

I don't rent... what about homeowners??? I call discrimination!

I'm sure he'd have something to say about this...

Nope, didn't forget... just saying this new guy looks even more insane than Uncle Fester.

I don't think I've ever seen insanity personified so effectively...

You know when our species is no more, the planet is devoid of intelligent life, aliens come across our world to play anthropologist and find a video of someone covering Kanye with a ukele... they'll be a smart alec analyst amongst them that will say, "good riddens... cause imagine if that became a star faring race"

I'm flabbergasted

that's cold :P

Oh snap!

Man, my wrist hurts just from thinking about this.


Hey, next year we get to do it all over again, Mayan style. Party!

Apple Genius: No Mr. Pogue, we'll have to void the warranty based on what was recorded by the accelerometor.... um Mr. Pogue, don't... aaahhh!

Quite the couple...

I was thinking about calling Family Radio wondering why they are still here and that maybe god didn't deem them rapture material and left them down here with the rest of us heathens.

Gotta love that Jersey Turnpike smell in the morning...

This is hilarious... despite the fact that I actually moved to New Jersey not too long ago.