
This is brilliant!

This is brilliant!

How's that K-hole?

Looks too young for Summer Glau...

All things being equal... nothing innocent about attempting to grab a weapon while being apprehended by the police.

I blame Game of Thrones

"Grandpa" is a fantastic shot.

Crazy Eddie... loved those commercials.... insaaannnne!

"Many men have tried."

No... but it is an amalgam of parts from various parts of the world, including Turkey, Estonia, Nova Scotia and Mexico...

Iowa is probably the biggest producer of corn in the country... and in some cases produces more corn than some countries...

I'm trying to see if I'm shocked... nope... not getting much of a read on the shock meter... maybe it's broken...

Maybe those of us who didn't understand don't eat enough corn...

yeah, ooops...

Well played!

They can build this but they still have a problem making sharks with freakin' lasers.

City of brotherly... ninjas...

Wow... didn't realize it was still around... I wonder if my profile still works, heh heh

Love Torchwood

Don't you see my fellow humans... it's a ploy to disarm our suspicion of these proto-sentient beasts as they bide their time to exact their plan to destroy humanity. Don't be fooled, I say... don't be fooled!!! Stay vigilant!