
I think I'm actually going to say this... never thought I'd ever say something like this... but damn, that's a good looking tombstone.

Isn't that junk going to break in the field?

Oh snap... and you gotta love that startup sound. Haven't used Winamp in years. Gotta check this out.

@Riff-Raff: Not even sure Best Buy was around when that was published... let alone Geek Squad.

@GizmoTron9000VowsToEarnBackHis...: Totally unforgivable. I mean the movie was bad enough as it was. Then you start seeing that alien subtext start to creep in and I couldn't believe it. They totally screwed up Indy...

Point being made is why release the product without a feature that is basically standard at this point? Would a car company do that? No... unless they love manufacturing cars that won't sell. If a feature has become ubiquitous, it's foolhardy not to have it in the device at launch.

Whatever... meh... I mean let's forget about Star Wars... look what happened to Indiana Jones in the end... that's bloody unforgivable.

She must have asked for a light...

A mobility scooter for the grandma/pa Andretti set (okay, just showed my age with that reference). Bad ass!

One of these days pinch, zoom, to the moon, Apple, to the moon!

From an old Wired mag back in the day...

Too bad it's on T-stumble

I'd pack my bags for Bucharest anyway...

@spiegel1, Turboner: Hilarious!!! I just about died of laughter. Thanks, man, needed that.

I'm honestly satisfied with that price, but would rather want it on Verizon.

Sorry, that's a little too much work for a kiss...

I was wondering what the hell was going on...

@FuzzysFriedChicken: Dude... I'm joking. I know the issue is a lot more complicated, but just the same, it seems that there are companies out there even suing over open source stuff... it's just getting ridiculous.

@minimaltek: hyperbole smyperbole... this is a plot to bring down the court system... I'm sure all of the heads of these companies were down in their secret lair getting all kinds of Blosfeldian, fluffy cat in hand. I mean why else would they do this. I mean tech companies make money by innovating, right? Not