Dave Craven

None of those are small cars, what you want is a MINI Cooper! Believe it or not they have plenty of room inside for tall folks, and a good late model one will fit your budget. Not to mention, they are a ton o fun to drive!

I agree that all three are at fault and should be charged accordingly, however no dealership is going to check your arrest record before you go on a test drive, tho a bunch of them require a credit report before you leave the lot. My question is why did the customer have a driver’s lic at all? Or did he?

Always somebody ready to piss in your cheerios, isn’t there? I’ve had very good luck with all of my VAG cars over the years since the 70's and I’ve owned a number of them

The DOT launched an “infestation”? Really Jalopnik people? You can’t do any better than this?

I’ve been a real fan of Tesla, I really respect what they’ve accomplished with their cars and Space X, but damn - no one person should be paid $50 billion.

It’s Hep cat, not hip......

Womp womp?

Hope no one was driving an electric car - talk about range anxiety!

You didn’t even mention Team Hesketh, who came to every F1 race they entered with a large stack of cases of Champagne!

Pretty funny that you all want to buy straight from the MFR to avoid negotiations, add-ons and so forth, yet you think you can then negotiate with them? And somehow you’ll get a better deal? I think you all are Tom has pointed out many times, the best way to buy anything is to do your research first,

I’m sorry, but I don’t think 5000 of any car could be considered rare.....

Yeah, like GreenNgold I’d like more info on the running hot situation.....Alfa’s have always been more expensive than a lot of the competition, but $58K is just too much, when there are other, better established, more reliable cars out there. One thing tho, get rid of the trendy giant wheels and I’ll bet the ride,

Storm water system, not the sewers.....just FYI

How do you put the word out?

Isn’t the US providing huge state subsidies to EV makers too, by offering large rebates to those who purchase American made (including the battery) EVs?

How can a country with over a billion people run out of workers?

OK, but what if the current calibrations are better than the “fix”?

So, only black people drive around with their music up too loud? I don’t understand the point of’s saying that more black drivers are being harassed than should be - but one person got ticketed 5 times in one day? You’d think after the second ticket they would be aware of what they were doing that was

Um......there are no electronics in a 50's VW. Electrical system, yes......

I remember riding in that Buick!