
I knew there was a reason to be suspicious of any corporation claiming to be doing anything for art/the people/"the sake of design".

wait, wait, wait. Just yesterday you were saying how Starz leaving was going to turn Netflix streaming into a wasteland. Now they are just some second-tier cable company? Also, Tangled was a great movie getting almost 90% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Touche. Thats why I bought it, for its screen.

Just to let you know Gawker actually is a tabloid, and this is not the first instance of tabloid journalism (not that tabloids aren't fun to read if only for the articles like this)

Did that actually hit the Eiffel Tower or did it strike behind it? Normally when lightening strikes a tall structure it hits the top (where there is a lightening rod) and follows a grounding wire to the ground because that metal wire is the path of least resistance. It would take enormous energy (if its even

Given that up until this purchase, Google had like 400 patents before the buy, and now they have 17,000. I feel that while Google may have some great patent attorneys on staff, the company management likely doesn't have the knowledge of patents that they need to say that Motorola had more than 20 patents that could be

I don't know about this. That Windows key is pretty damn obvious, and seems to pop out quite well in the picture. Also, when did Apple the the patent on the "unpainted aluminum frame, and cheapest color to produce chicklet keyboard" design scheme?

No word yet sadly. Only news is that its not tonight as rumored. My guess is it will be announced within the month

I had assumed that the loss of color was due to windows 7 only supporting 16-bit color. I didn't realize that it was caused by the screen itself. Good to know.

The Focus doesn't look like the iPhone...

Lucas needs ot understnad that he can make heaps more money if he just releases the edited versions on Blu-ray then 6 months later release the original edits on Blu-ray with no tampering. That way the loyal fans (and today's kids) can see the original, and those that want to can see what Lucas (supposedly) wanted the

I thought that was just something Mel Gibson made up as an excuse to run around without pants.

That's cause she just turned 18, but hasn't really had a chance to get out much because shes been doing a lot of work to finish up High School. Once she goes to college at Mango State, she will get all the guys.

Seems (or seams ;) ) to me that this is a good thing. I mean what could possibly be more embarrassing to the enemy to get defeated by an army that doesn't even wear pants. I mean I would be pretty humiliated to surrender to a guy in pink boxers with flowers on them.

I say wait for a month. More of these Ultrabooks will be released in the coming month.

RC Helicopters take a lot more skill to maneuver, and unless you go big, and get a anti-vibration rig, the pictures will turn out like crap. Also, unless you get a big ole helicopter you can't really lift the DSLR.

Weren't some these companies already accused of price fixing for LCDs? Wouldn't combining them into one big unit make it a ton easier to control the prices, and increase prices?

Don't do it Kat!!!! We need you here to cover our early morning Giz fix!!!!

I do understand that the above method is best, but I feel that loading back to front is still a bit better than the normal method but it is still easier to call out boarding numbers than the mixed method.

While I an thankful I've never lost anything of great value, I have lost things before and it sucks to know they are basically gone forever. The one time I did lose something of value I was 5 and I lost my stuffed harbor seal in the terminal on the flight to Disney land. Thank god some nice person had the decency to