I too have been running Aurora and it seems to be great.
I too have been running Aurora and it seems to be great.
There is a reason the Boy Scouts still teach the importance of being able to make a "one-match" fire. Its one of those skills that sticks with you forever. Even if you haven't had to light a fire fore 20 years, you can still make a decent fire first time round if the situation requires.
When they devowel your conversation in front of your parents because you said something you weren't supposed to.
then you would risk damaging Vinci's fresco.
power users make up a tiny fraction of the people who use computers. The ribbon is great for everyone else, and if its really that annoying to see all the options you never knew you had, there is an arrow to minimize the ribbon. I really don't see the logic behind the statements that Microsoft should minimize the…
Actually, if you read the blog, you will see that you can display an extra 2 lines of files (so less space is wasted than in Win7), and the point of the ribbon is so that grandma doesn't have to know which right click menu does what, and all the abilities are displayed in an obvious manner so that anybody at any level…
If you read through the blog that is associated with this video, you will find that the top 10 most used functions used in File Explorer (~88% of the total commands used in explorer) are now visible in the first tab of the ribbon, and there are some 200 commands that are now visible in only 3 menus thus exposing many…
Why not just board from back to front? It would minimize blockages and not be a hassle to call out boarding order
Problem is its the ones who are likely to use excessive force who are arresting people for video taping. Most likely so they don't get caught using excessive force
That would still require damaging Vasari's work.
This is one of those instances where the Gizmodo effect can be a good thing.
Such a great show! Enjoy, but pay attention closely toward the last season and a half, as it gets very confusing very fast.
ROFL! It took me a sec but that was one of the funnier things I've seen round here in a while. I guess it never hurts to ask. ;)
Its not like Intel is forcing laptop manufacturers to make these ultrabooks or anything.
I think you are slightly confused on that last point. If the corporations were in the politicians' back pocket, then everything would be great. The problem is that the politicians are in the corporations' back pockets which means the politicians do everything the corporations say, not the other way around.
But what if someone who is not the president but has the same name as the president wants to start his own, self-titled porn site? Or what if the actual president wants to start his own self titled porn site, what then?
Yes I know what a meterologist is. It just wasn't popping into my head last night.
I don't see how this would be any different than me grabbing a bull horn, standing outside the Gizmodo office and telling the world I'm gonna do bad things to Jason Chen because he leaked the iPhone 4 (nothing personal against you Jason, and I know you're not the author, its just the only Gizmodo related controversy…
The last line of your comment is the clincher here. The point of this article is to say that Irene was just another storm and the people who died were wimpy. The point is that this storm was being portrayed as the be all end all of storms, that it was going to utterly destroy New York, Washington D.C. and Boston…
Im still trying to figure out what you mean by IANAM. All I can think of is "I am not a man"; it doesn't help that your profile pic is of a monkey.