
School, and then get a nice analog system that will last far longer.

The first paragraph mentioned that they are being sold as "stamina boosters"

My thoughts exactly. I'm about to graduate college, and my 4 years old laptop (it will be 5 when I graduate) is going to be my next main computer upgrade once I get a job, hopefully that will coincide with the release of a whole slew of ultrabooks

I love how Intel is forcing these companies to follow strict rules when making these products, and then when they get reviewed its just gonna be a slew of comments about how they are Macbook Air rip-offs because they even have Thunderbolt.

U of A uses Twitter...

I would say that approximately 3 people I know in real life care about "ending the reign of Facebook" the rest just use it to talk to friends.

Yes but it creates a great mental image, and if you think about two nearly evenly matched T-rexes, its very similar. The trucks aren't slow, they are just evenly matched so it takes a long time for them to pass each other.

As my dad says, "Its like two T-rexs trying to drag race."

no pain yet mi amigo. :)

get it before they stop selling though

Its nice to find someone who maintains traditional, religious views on the world, but isn't a total douche about it the second they come online. Especially when discussing such a controversial topic.

Now I'm in no way shape or form an expert on the Bible, but I was always under the impression that God was the one who performed, or ordered the massive annihilation. Now I may be wrong but I'm also pretty sure that the same logic that God uses to justify killing of whole religous/ethnic groups, does not translate

So when did they go from being drug mules to "Narco Terrorists"?

Personally I was driven from Android to Windows Phone, and I have never looked back. Yes it doesn't have the same market dominance, but I find that I am just as pleased with WP7, as my friends who have iPhone are with their phones. I say you should give it an honest look as an alternative that might surprise you.

In the short time that my Android tablet was working, one of the biggest things I came to despise was the massive RAM usage by basic apps. (Second to that was the interface, but I feel the same way about iOS interface as I do about Android's interface, so that's not a point of comparison). There were even some times

I suppose one could argue that this method of manually guiding the missile affords the operator the ability to make a final decision (and face the consequences) on whether the missile is on target or a near miss, and conceivably allows for "humanity on the battlefield" (although I'm sure this was not the intent). If

you are aware that that deal hasn't even actually closed yet, right?

hey the military uses science too man. Just sayin is all

Good call. Personaly, if you have the skills/wherewithal I would suggest getting a mini-itx motherobard, and a small case, then building your own media center/NAS. I did that last summer and it has served me great. I have XBMC setup for the the media center front end, then I have all of the HDDS accessible over