
I'm telling you man, Steve Jobs is just a big ole troll :P

true that, I have about 20 different shows in HD that take up my 1TB which is why i just upgraded. At $70, 2TB is worth it if you can manage.

Don't forget they would be allowed to have early access to Apple products, and possibly even start a rumor or two.

Everybody knows the fastest way to get between two points is a straight line. Turns waste gas dammit!

actually that was the first thing that came to my mind right after I made my post. :P

what about ibuprofen? does that have the same effect? I have heard that it is safe where Tylonel is not

oh that just made me remember how long i've gone without pizza (let alone the amazinglyness that is cold-pizza). now I'm sad :(

All of these sound like hoaxes or scams. Personally I go for a nice cold Sprint and some toast then watch the Simpsons for an hour by which time I usually fall asleep. The best though is when I have someone to cook me breakfast, its freaking amazing to wake up with a hangeover to see your girlfriend standing in front

See the trout weren't called into existence 70,000 feet in the air, so they had already had time to come to grips with reality. This means that they were likely just scared out of their minds when suddenly dropped rather than trying to figure out if the ground would be their friend.

What really needs to be done is for one national (or international) standard to be drawn up that defines digital storage of medical records, so that our doctors can use any compatible software on any device, so that we don't end up in a situation where the government exclusively supports one device, forcing medical

But its an iPad don't you know the magical unicorn piss in their A4 CPU makes it impossible for anything to every go wrong with device?!? Seriously, and you call yourself an IT person

how much of the content that you keep is HD vs SD? because it would not be a bad idea to use handbrake to convert the HD kids shows into lower defenition or SD. Its not like your kids are gonna notice unless you have a really freaking big TV or they sit really close.

I prefer to think of this as the first step towards full realizing Dr. Noonien Soong's Positronic brain, rather than creating a terminator that will destroy us all.

I know its a tired line, but despite the recent disaster, nuclear power is one of the safest energy production methods out there. Yes you have your solar, wind, and ocean generators, but the efficiency, cost of production, and feasibility (especially on a small, densely populated island) of those methods once again

rofl. to scared to give me the link yourself :P

will take a look. My main resource has been which you linked to earlier.

I was gonna say, doesn't it become a motorcycle if you don't have to pedal.

I don't remember hearing the multiple suspect theory before, despite spending far too much time learning about Zodiac (its hard not to be intrigued when you live in the SF Bay Area). Its always good to learn something new.

Thats what I wanna design when I graduate.
