
wait you do think it was one man or you think it was two?

I was refering more to the fact that Watts on tube amps cost a lot more than on solid-state amps, and the testing methodologys are slightly different which allows solid-state amps to literally pump up the numbers artificially. However I don't know the specifics of the testing.

Even if they do, they rarely think to pick up a gun off the ground and assume its a lighter.

How bout instead of gun control we all lobby for stupidity control!!! (The only problem is, most of the elected officials would get banned under the new Stupidity Control laws, so sadly they won't pass the laws. Damn I have people to stupid to function properly, but just smart enough to know when they are being play

Why do I feel like I'm going to Hell because I laughed at that?

Wow! that photo gallery gave me the worst/best case of spine shivers and tingly skin ever. This is amazing, and the fact that they are all in near mint is icing on the cake.

Yep. Currently Im running my old speakers on the new amp, but I cannot wait until I get my new speakers at the end of August. Going from a pair of 3-way 6.5" car speakers, to a pair of full towers is something I still can't wrap my head around.

I love the look on people's face when I tell them my amp is rated at 10 watts. Then the follow up look on their face when they hear my 10 watt amp. Its priceless. (then again this is a 10 watt tube amp, not solid-state)

Well you do appear to still have a star here, and as far as I can tell there is no way to comment from the mobile site :(

While I am not related to any politicians (as far as I'm aware), I have had interactions with some local politicians who I happen to know are genuinely good people, and still do respect the values which they claim to represent. Mind you these people are the type who never intended to go into politics, but at some

I find that last statement very funny. This particular case was an example of pure politicking because the people who initiated the case were trying to use moral outrage to remove the competition.

proff that Horsepower isn't everything.

Also Microsoft Life Cam has been doing the goofy, facial overlays for a long time now.

Perhaps he was a commenter on here?

Isn't it possible that everyone gets sick the first two weeks of college because we are crammed into aging dorms like sardines, and everybody is breathing on everybody else?


I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. Personally, if I had to paint the media with the big brush of stereotypes, I would say that it is controlled by loud-mouthed extremists on all sides. And while I don't read the newspapaer( (its kinda expensive while you're in college, and the local newspaper is not very

How exactly is coverage of a court case involving a potentially massive man-in-the-middle attack on the electronic voting system a) not fit for a tech news site and b) liberal. Just because the election in question involved the election of a Republican does not mean that Gizmodo is being blatantly liberal. I do find

I believe he was either refering to general multi-use vehicles (the Trieste only went down once, and was singularly built for that voyage), or he means military submersibles.

I am definetly keeping this page handy. Great images like this are hard to come by.