
I am getting really annoyed all these videos that show the whole set-up process in order to pad the length of the video or in the case of ads to make a single gimmic think its actually a short story. I just want to see the freaking glow sticks in the blender even if I know its an ad.

Or the device is calibrated to only show a positive if anything above a predefined concentration is detected. Im sure that the concentration that gets into your sweat from handling money is detectably less than the concentration from snorting a line 30 minutes before the test.

I would really like to see this implemented in a manner similar to Disqus. Basically the government would host a service that lets you set a universal ID and password (with the most common stupid passwords blacklisted), and then they provide and API that lets any website anywhere in the world use this government

Open windows, take off clothes, drink until you forget how hot it is, hydrate, repeat.

My opinion of this is that its a hell of a lot easier to sort through physical junk mail and identify genuine government correspondence as opposed to sorting through email spam and trying to discern between the 300 emails pretending to be from any of a dozen governments, and the one official email that tells you about

well before they can fly themselves they have to be able to fly. :P

Hello practical flying cars!!!

adrenaline FTW?

Designed in America...but built in China...

I was unaware of that. I withdraw my comment.

It was a joke ;)

Who the hell would go to Cuba to have a tumor removed? That would be like Steve Jobs going to Mexico for his liver transplant. It just doesn't make sense!!!

well the Mac isn't getting the virus, just the battery ;). Its all about semantics

But I thought BMWs were special. This is how every other car is made, where are the damn unicorns!!!

Apple doesn't do free.

Try as I might to get my mom to just Google her problems, she undoubtedly comes asking for help without a single search

I just tried out the alt text and I managed to go from Spark Plugs to Philosophy in 18 steps

I think the most annoying thing about helping my mom is that she wants me to stop and read the dialog boxes every single time. Most of the time its a worthless dialog, or its so common that I don't need to read it to know what it says.

It is possible that the curved profile is caused by the very motion you described. If you notice, the clouds in the foreground are also blurry

At least you got to see it flying. I never got to see it in flight at all :(