
It is a very tricky photo, but you have to remember that the Shuttle is heading towards the horizon, and away from the camera. Also, part of the trick is that the super faint end of the trail is actually closer than the super bright end. This is counter intuitive to our normal experience that things get bigger and

Where exactly does it say that these products are stolen???

I think the only thing that might be considered natural with regards to computer input would be using a touch screen. you point to the object and its selected. Anything else, even using a mouse has to be learned, after all, why does moving the mouse away have to signify moving the on-screen cursor up?

I say its all just a matter of practice and there really is no "correct" direction of scrolling on a trackpad. Its totally arbitrary, it depends on your point of reference (is your scrolling supposed to feel like you are moving the content, or is it supposed to simulate moving the little scroll bar up and down), and I

yes with different mental action. on the touch screen, you are "physically" moving the info up or down which is what makes it natural. With a trackpad, my perception is that I am moving the scroll bar up when I scroll from the bottom of the trackpad to the top, and vis-versa. Also, if I click and drag the scroll bar I

Pretty sure they had bigger things to worry about after those disasters

I realized the tech is out there, but I was thinking slightly more refined in that the car could determine where your eyes are looking, and move the dimming circles so that only the center of the head lights would be dimmed, without dimming the rest of the road.

its behind a paywall...

How does it know to match the view perspective of the camera and not the child????? Also, this is very similar to an idea I've had for windows but mine is slightly more useful. Basically the front windshield could be made so that it can dim the insane brightness of on coming head-lights thus making the rest of the

or the goverment could just be consolidating to fewer, bigger data centers

So where exactly is this so called magical cloud that the government will be using that doesn't consist of a data center. I am having a very hard time not cracking up in class right now.

how exactly does the price going up make you richer without you selling the stock at some point? Does it simply increase your net worth, or does it mean money in your pocket?

Personally I'm quite happy with the battery in my WP7. It has very good life (easily lasts all day with moderate usage), and is user replaceable. Best of both worlds ;-D

Please please please let it be interactive 3-D!!!

I say its all just a conspiracy backed by the rubber manufacturers in collusion with the makers of plastic play structures! Their real motive is to get all the sturdy, long lasting steel play structures replaced with those shitty plastic play houses that are useless after 4 years exposure to the sun and snow!!! Its a

Just curious, but what could've driven you to contemplate selling such valuable stock right before they post their quarterly earnings?

While I disagree with DON_BOT's sentiments, I must point out that most Android phones have batteries designed to be quickly and easily replaced by the user without voiding any warranty which seems to be a key part of the point DON_BOT was attempting to make.

It is until you wake up drunker than when you went to sleep, and you were planning on being productive before noon the next day. Also, that was one of the worst hangovers I ever had.

And has bad consequences in the morning. The alcohol gets worked into your muscle if you excercise while drunk making it harder to process, so you stay drunker for longer

Its funny that that specific episode was the first thing that came to my mind when I read about the home-made swamp cooler in the article.