Minerva Mouse

I think she out-earned her dad by several hundred million dollars at this point. 

Do we legit know that Kylie’s earnt that much? Someone on youtube has radicalised me into a Kardashian/Jenner truther and now I’m skeptical of her self-made billionaire adjacentness.

He got explicit and implicit warnings from Michel, his own son, and the dispatcher, but white privilege had him out there defiantly all wrong, while believing he was in the right. The smirks tell a whole story. He knew what Michel was saying when he said he was “next” and he knew it was not a threat of physical harm. H

As someone that has lived in call-box dwellings, I won’t let anyone tailgate unless I know they live there. If you try to, I will tell you “no”, and that is the end of the confrontation unless you try to force your way in. This is the correct and only response necessary if you truly are vigilant about that particular

Both times I have been with the little man and danger reared its head, I sure as fuck didn’t walk him closer to it.  "You get in that car/house right now!  And find your mother!"

I work for a company that works with Google and YouTube employees and this entitled prick, dripping with arrogant condescension and barely concealed virulent racism is par for the course there. 

Ugh the worst part of this story for me is that this man’s son is Asian. I really hate the idea that this poor child will grow up with a father who thinks he is less than. As a mixed race person I know there is a unique feeling of betrayal when you realize your own family see you as less than them. At least my own

If he was thinking of his child’s safety, he’d not have a shit-eating grin on his face! 

Photos can sometimes leave out context, but in the case of this dude, I decided my opinion as soon as I saw his pics as he was on the phone. He looks as smug as that kid who blocked the Native American vet, and that is a type of shittiness that doesn’t need a lot of context.

Even while the kid was basically saying “Dad I don’t like this. YOU are scaring me, take me out of this situation” - he doesn’t give a shit about his kid and doesn’t even acknowledge him.

This is ENRAGING! Everything he said makes him out to be a victim, and he STILL implies that the Black man was a threat! “Outside my home”, “leaving with my child”, that the other resident wasn’t expecting a guest (so?), the situation turned “confrontational” (and whose fault is that, Chad?)

I’m about as convinced by the sincerity of that apology as I am the chances of that (clearly more self-aware and levelheaded) kid being his biological son.

“I was terrified he was going to murder (or at least attack) someone. So I confronted him with my young child!”

“My father was murdered outside his home by a trespasser who he confronted alone”

For my child’s safety...

No, no, mofo. If you were afraid of your “child’s safety” you wouldn’t have confronted a “trespasser” at all. If you were truly afraid because of your dad’s story, you would NOT have “confronted a trespasser”

Don’t drag West Side Story into this.

“More and more the Radical Left is using Commerce to hurt their “Enemy.” They put out the name of a store, brand or company, and ask their so-called followers not to do business there.”

Something the right never does.

I’m sorry, what’s that, Starbucks?  

Dragging Davis for her heartfelt comments is trash. This headline is trash. We beg and plead that more white people think about this stuff, and then when they do we drag them for not thinking about it sooner. Come on. Get over yourself.

I’m not sure exactly what you’re looking for from her ? Should she decline an invitation to be on a talk show and send her children instead ? I think they’re a little young for that. You’re basically being very condescending to someone who appears to be a very good person. I would suggest that we save that animus for

“That this information was available to Davis, but not rendered immediate or urgent until it was her own child facing these issues, is not surprising.”

You mean because not everyone in the world innately understand what other people go through?

Yeah. We know. And so should you. 

So, Kristen Davis isn’t really the problem here - she’s a mother who loves her children and wants the best for them. The problem here is the news media portraying her reaction to the racism her children are facing as more noteworthy than the racism itself - so, why is the snarky headline (and the unflattering picture)