Minerva Mouse

Why should he admit responsibility? Why do you take the word of an anonymous woman as gospel?

How do you know what proof there is??

How do you know what proof there is?

Can't be in your own darkened apartment, because a cop might "mix up floors".

You can’t babysit your white friends children. You can’t shop with your mixed race children. Also, you can’t carry your own television INTO your new home.

Just so it’s clear, it wasn’t his car. It wasn’t anyone’s car. He had no reason to approach those kids. “If” they were vandalizing a long abandoned car, he should have called the cops. Not approached them, looking for an excuse to get violent.

How about I punch you, straddle you and press my hand down on your faceto keep you restrained? Doubt you'd find it very comfortable. 

Ok, let's say for arguments sake, they were doing something wrong. Do you honestly think his response is proportionate? And why are you ignoring the fact that this guy has a reputation in the neighborhood as a hothead? 

What exactly do these stories have to do with the kid in this case?

Maybe you should pay attention

Children just lost their mother. Go fuck yourself if you can’t stop being the wokest person who ever lived for five minutes.

Yes they are.

Why do all his kids look deformed? And why didn’t they all get the same chin implant as Ivanka?

Two things need to die. The phrase “clap back” and the word “shamer”. 

Babenet got exactly what it deserved. Hopefully that hack Katie Way never works again.

Babe.net got exactly what it deserved. Hope Katie Way never works again.

She has no memory of the attack or anything leading up to it. She relied on the cops to give her answers, they gave her lies.

The victim has no memory of the attack or anything leading up to it. She relied on law enforcement to fill in the blanks and got sold a bill of goods.

Not anymore. Do try to keep up...

No she did not.