
Damn it, you can only see the top of my head here. SO CLOSE TO FAMOUS.


In that case... YOU, my friend, are a Grade A badass!

Thank you! I'm in that picture, somewhere...

Chances are your eyebrows are saying "quake in fear while in my presence" or "fuck off." I think boobs are the deciding factor.

Be careful! One misstep with your eyeliner, and BOOM! Married before you know it!

I'll have to ask my husband if he married me because I'm a mannish uggo. Can't go wrong there.

There are most certainly some guys in my past who could have used this app. Apparently, I wasn't a good enough resource when it came to teaching them how to get me off.

No, this is pretty much bullshit. Complete bullshit. You can destigmatize masturbation without pretending like someone who doesn't masturbate 3 times a day is broken or doing it wrong. Not to mention that further gamifying sex is pretty disgusting to me. You know who treats sex and sexuality like a game, racking up

Huh. Roman Polanski's a sexist asshole in addition to being a rapist. Surprise, surprise.

Dinner =/= sex.

All they had was dinner if they aren't having relations what's the problem exactly?

Did I miss something and dinner is now a code word for sex? B/c dinner is a meal. These two are in roughly the same business, he's already asking for emancipation and he'd hardly be the first very young man to try starting his own record label - just b/c one is a male and the other a female doesn't make it a date.

I like all of these faces better clean-shaven. Guess I'm a weirdo

I think what you're saying is...

not enough concealer — I can still see his face

You left out the hand-wringing about how it will ruin the young man's (or men's) future life prospects. Such a waste! Those poor young rapists just can't get a break!

WTF is happening behind her? Looks like a pixel that had too many cups of coffee.

Isn't this a couple of years old? Regardless, my mind is still blown by the not-getting-itness of the whole thing. The solution to ageism in Hollywood is not to continue to lie about your age, people.