I knew Austin would be in here before I even read the story. FML.
I know that Catherine Deneuve is almost 70, but the resemblance is pretty uncanny, I think. So, her for Wendy. I'll have to think about the others.
This was one of those experiences that made me wish I'd been forced to have children so that I could tell them how fucking awesome it was. When that roar went up from the gallery, the whole building literally shook. You could feel it, physically, in the floor and all around you. The looks on the senators' faces, down…
Thank you! I'm in that picture, somewhere...
Huh. Roman Polanski's a sexist asshole in addition to being a rapist. Surprise, surprise.
I like all of these faces better clean-shaven. Guess I'm a weirdo
You left out the hand-wringing about how it will ruin the young man's (or men's) future life prospects. Such a waste! Those poor young rapists just can't get a break!
WTF is happening behind her? Looks like a pixel that had too many cups of coffee.
Isn't this a couple of years old? Regardless, my mind is still blown by the not-getting-itness of the whole thing. The solution to ageism in Hollywood is not to continue to lie about your age, people.
"...demographic displacement of Europeans from our homelands..." LOL
The difference between this and wearing leiderhosen during October is that we (Americans) didn't steal our country from the Germans and then systematically attempt to wipe them all out under cover of religion. When an oppressor fetishizes a group of people they have a history of violence against, that's where we run…
I wish Jennifer Hunger Games would stop wearing all that goddamn eyeliner (tho it's not so heavy here as I've seen it lately). She has simply gorgeous eyes when they're not encrusted with black shit.
Jane, where's the upvote button on this crazy thing?
"To the endangered-bird buffet, Jeeves!"
The problem isn't porn itself, it's that none of it is *actually* "made for" the market it needs to be made for. I could say all of this again, but it'd be easier if you just headed over there and read it: http://www.minervakoenig.com/2010/08/number-9-number-9.html