Minecraft Is An Infiniminer Clone

The dialogue is perfect.

Last time I saw such a gigantic wave of shit destroy a city, donald trump was in town.

It is the same thing EA did to us with SimCity.

“I think there’s a strong temptation to close the platform. If people look at what they can accomplish when they can limit competitors’ access to their platform,”

They’re too busy rummaging through Mario Maker levels and deleting the ones that the 8-Ball says ‘Yes’ to.

Because there’s no manual control whatsoever. You either hold down a button to block or hold down a button to attack. It’s not picking attacks from a menu but neither is it timing dodges and attacks like Witcher 3, Bloodborne etc. It’s a middle ground and like most things that sit on the fence, bland as a consequence.

What I mean is that you don’t actually have the responsiveness or friction of a combat oriented title (think Ninja Gaiden or DMC) and you don’t have the time and strategy options of a traditional turn-based combat system. What this means is that you’re left with an unsatisfying combat system. As you say, it may be

I think it’s a fair assessment to say this is somewhat “turn-based.” You hold the attack button and your character automatically dishes out a looping combo with a set DPS.... it feels more like FFXIII than Kingdom Hearts. This, coupled with the “MP” (ATB) bar that powers basically everything you do, and you can

Yeah, it feels like if young were playing an extremely forgiving version of a Souls game with generous account for lag. The battles are very boring in the demo version and I hope mixing in items and magic will make things interesting in the final game.

Undercooked is how I’d describe it as well. You don’t have the weight and utility of a true action game like DMC, and you don’t have the time and strategy of an old school FF game. It’s a weird mish mash of the two which I find awkward.

I get you, but it doesn’t feel action-oriented either. There's no weight to the combat. No friction. It's trying to be an action game, but its control scheme and the abilities it gives you don't really allow for it. I really wish they would either fully commit to making an action game, or just go back to turn-based

I really didn't care for the demo at all, but that's probably because I prefer combat that is either entirely turn-based, or entirely action-oriented. Attempts like this to meet in the middle inevitably end up being less than the sum of their parts, and in my opinion FFXV is no different.

except the director of this game directed Kingdom hearts. Combat feels drawn from kingdom hearts...its fun, but i dont know if its what i wanted in a game. Im probably in the minority, but i dont think action rpg is what i wanted from FFXV, as FFXIII VS i was fine with it, but in a mainline FF....seems like another

Can’t stand the character design of most modern FF games. Squall, (Advent) Cloud, Vaan, and now these protagonists. I get so irrationally angry when I see that messy-hipster-spiky-hair-in-face look. Is there a singular designer that coined this look?

“It’s a real shame to build something so beautiful and not let people inside.”

I think it’s amazing that it’s 2016 and Nintendo still doesn’t know how to properly do online gaming.

Nintendo just doesn’t understand how to handle multiplayer. I know that this is an old gripe, but it’s ridiculous that this generation of Nintendo games still makes it so hard to just play with other people.

For something that everybody wanted initially, Mario Maker is suffering from quick but painful death.

Nintendo murdering its Mario Maker community in its infancy is a fascinating thing to watch happen in real-time. Nothing new for the company that has routinely cut off its nose to spite its face through the years, of course, but it’s usually happened in a more low-key, behind-the-scenes way.

One of the most interesting

I totally agree. I was hoping the alien would just roam around the ship doing alien stuff and I would see it every once in awhile while trying to complete my objectives, once I realized it was always going to be right near me constantly the game lost its feeling of tension. I’m sure they thought it would be more