Minecraft Is An Infiniminer Clone

What did you expect? Palmer Luckey is the name of a villain from a 90's or 2000's teen soap-drama like One Tree Hill or Dawson’s Creek.

To me this is pretty much the same thing.

“Sony is proud to announce Bloodborne 2! Also, the game only works on Sony television sets.”

No, just no. Exclusive is the wrong way to go here. We need to commoditize VR, not turn it into an Oculus vs Vive war. All that’s going to do is keep people away from the platform for longer - pretty much exactly what Oculus and HTC do not need.

Those aren't timed exclusives that only work with a specific keyboard or monitor or gamepad though.

Yep. People aren’t generally known for using their brains too often.

and to think people were expecting Facebook to do the right thing with Oculus.

I don’t think that they forgot Asian-American actors so much as Asian-American actors (and Asian actors in general) don’t bring in much money as the headliners of American movies. They’ll definitely rake in money overseas but American media tends to require them to martial artists or medical workers to become popular.

By all means demonstrate the Asian American or Asian actress who looks more like Mokoto or shares more of her tall muscular physicality than Scarlet Johansson. It honestly comes across as much more racist that so many people are demanding casting someone who less resembles that character to satisfy their race-oriented

You guys are all running on the idealistic assumption that this is just some mistake that YouTube would like to avoid. No, it’s working exactly as they want it to. They’re a giant psychopathic corporation, and you should always remember that.

I think companies need to be penalized for reporting false flags. That is the only way this kind of things are less likely to happen.

There are also some who say 30 FPS (where FFX is currently locked) looks more cinematic.

That’s not necessarily true. Thanks to DX injection you can a lot.

Look, 30FPS doesn’t bother me in the slightest, but people who argue that it’s “cinematic” are just grasping at straws.

I think that little big planet needed no answer, I believe that community was dead and buried a looong time ago.

As an Xbox One owner, allow me to say:

Some people view their definition as ‘trolling’ as being able to make people angry on the internet and framing the entire thing as some sort of brilliant display of their intellect. In the end, they’re just trying to justify being an asshole.

One of my all-time favorite games, but (as someone who has replayed it three or four times in the last ten years) have to respectfully disagree on your reason it doesn’t hold up.

Playing against cheaters in a shittly coded game is a feature of Dark Souls.

As much as I honestly dislike Jim Sterling as a critic. I will give him a point for this incredibly clever move. This is pretty funny. Let’s watch Sony and Nintendo fight it out for copyright. :D

If you can’t beat the corporations, make them fight each other.